I haven't been around in a while. We are all doing well, just busy.
We've been working on potty training our 2.5 year old. She's doing pretty good with peeing, but pooping is a nightmare. She has gone in the potty, but on a daily basis she just poops in her undies. I have no idea what to do, as she isn't a schedule-pooper.
Any ideas?
Wife. MoM {1G + BBG triplets}. DIY'er. Quilter.
Re: Potty training question with 2.5 year old
Babies understand the feeling of the need/urge for fecal elimination MONTHS before they learn to speak a single word. Just sixty years ago the majority of kids in America were fully potty trained by 18 months. Our girls started on the toilet as soon as they could walk, and were fully trained day & night before the age of 2.
You have to be attentive (watch for when she squats, immediately move her to the toilet), you have to give unending praise. Having a schedule is incredibly helpful - about an hour after anytime they eat or drink anything, every time they get out of bed, before they go to bed, approximately once every three hours - get the big girl on the toilet.
Make wearing panties a prize for no accidents, not something they get to wear even when they choose to soil them (because a child who knows to get on the potty to go #1 but still goes #2 elsewhere is absolutely actively choosing to do so unless they are having a case of diarrhea - healthy human beings have far more control over their bowel movements than they do over their urinary continence).
Might sound blunt and uncaring - but every experience I've had in childcare and with my own children has always been the same. Structure, dedication, and expectation lead to healthy potty habits. "Child lead" potty training leads to bad habits and significant delays.
Right ovary removed 09.04.2012 via vertical laparotomy
Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013