This past week had DD's 2 year old pedi appt. Everything was good--she's ahead in language, blah blah blah. The pedi asked about my plans for preschool. I was thinking I'd put her in next fall, right after she turns 3. He suggested I do it at 2.5 bc she's very advanced and not to be surprised if she gets bored at home.
I spoke to DH about it and we totally trust our pedi's opinion and decided to look into some preschools. But I'm wondering what others did/are doing.
When did you start your kids in preschool? What factored into your decision? How many days a week and hours a day did they go?
ETA--although I'm sure it varies greatly by region, what are prices like?
Re: preschool--a few questions
I always thought 4 or 5 was the age kid started pre-school, right before I wrong?? I can't imagine having DD go to preschool so I missing something?? lol do I need to start looking?! *mini panic*
We are debating on sending our son to preschool this year. He turned 3 in june. It would be 2 days a week for 2.5 hours. Its between $100-$130 depending on what place. These are church based preschools. We have the option of church based or daycare based which are more expensive here and its just sending him to the daycare for a few hours a week.
Next year we plan on moving and pre k would be 5 days a week for 3 hours or 3 days a week for 5. I want him to get use to school but im worried about sending him. He has bad separation anxiety. Im hoping this will help but am worried about him crying the whole time.
I think you can keep her from being bored at home. Preschool is 5 hours a week so you would have to entetain her for the rest of the time anyway. But they get to learn and play with other kids at preschool too. Its a hard decision.
Ok this helps me, so I SAH now so I can just wait until pre-K at like 4 years old, I just think that fits us better and I like that idea better but I didn't want her to be behind or something...she seems pretty smart, but I am a little biased...haha
Everything here is just preschool. I've only heard of pre-K from the bump. Is how it's classified a regional thing? Doesn't really matter, I suppose.
I do agree with all of this. Two of my children did not attend preschool and did well in K. This last one has a different personality than them. I reallty think he is going to benefit from the classroom setting. He tends to get bored and cause trouble.
Preschool here is from 1-4 and then pre-k is at 4.