Georgia Babies

Daycare Rec

Hi ladies,

Does anyone know of a reputable place that allows three-year-olds to still wear pull-ups?  DS is having issues with PTing and the school he is currently scheduled to attend requires them to be fully potty trained.  This seems to be the trend at most of the places I've looked at.  He's in undies at home, but I feel like he still has too many accidents to send him to school in underwear.  We also are starting to investigate if there is a medical issue that is delaying his PTing, but this won't be flushed out by the time school starts.  We have a few appointments with specialists in September.  TIA!

Re: Daycare Rec

  • What area are you looking in?  We use Primrose and I don't think they require you the be in underwear at age 3. I think most of the kids are already, but I don't remember that being a requirement.  Have you discussed options with the school as far as how to address the issue that he may not be ready?  Are they expecting him to be fully potty trained or just working on it?  
    Mommy to Abigail Elizabeth (11/4/11) and Brady Jasper (7/2/09)
    my blog
  • I would talk to the school. Technically they are supposed to be potty trained by the 3 year old class at our daycare, but it's not like they have to be perfect. They stil expect accidents and that's why you have to bring in multiple changes of clothing. Also, a lot of kids do better at school than at home with PT because they have all the kids go so often and they don't have as much to drink as they usually have at home. They may be ok with him wearing Pull ups for the first few weeks. For what it's worth, Owen potty trained about a month before his 3rd birthday. He finally just decided he was ready and it all clicked from there. I hope it turns out to be the same for you guys. Good luck!
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  • You should talk to the school.  I highly doubt that they expect him to be FULLY potty trained.  The teachers in that age group know that they still have to deal with accidents and that PT is a HUGE part of their daily routine.  They will probably want you to send him in underwear but ours let us send pull ups for his cubby and they would use them if they thought he needed it (he never wore them at school!)  For us, Gavin was perfectly PT at school LONG before he was at home.  So I bet you'll be surprised- it may actually speed things along for your son!






  • Thanks for the advice!  We are thinking of sending him and seeing how he does.  I have had other people tell me that he will probably catch on once around other kids who are potty trained.  Honestly, I think he will hold it, as he is only going to a half day program, but I don't want to encourage that.  As far as the school goes, I spoke to the director at the beginning of the summer and was told that he would need to be able to initiate to the teacher his need to go, go without help, wipe, flush, redress, wash his hands, and return to class--all unassisted. 
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