I am really getting nervous now! I can't believe the time has come already. I had a few things I had to take care of Monday & Tuesday (although I knew I could go into labor any day!) After the fiasco with my baby shower, I finally got the major things I need & DH put them together but I still feel so unprepared. I have tried to get my bag ready for the hospital but I feel like I need a lot of stuff. LOL Which brings me to my point of posting.....
How many pairs of pajamas did you bring? AND were they pj sets or gowns? I hate the hospital gowns. I have plenty of family & friends who have worn their own pjs during their stay but I am not sure they had c-sections. I have two pairs packed so far but I am thinking I should bring a night gown for the first night atleast when I can't feel my legs & the nurses have to change my pad/clean me. I don't plan on sitting in pjs all day, especially when I have visitors (DH has a huge family) so I will need to pack some clothes too. I used a list from a post on here last weekend & when I made my list, I filled a page! lol.
Also, what did you do on your down time when LO was in the nursery? Besides sleep. I am not a great sleeper at home & rarely sleep more than a few hours in a hospital. DH wants to stay the entire time but he has no idea how uncomfortable the guest chair/bed is so I can see him leaving once the baby goes into the nursery. I know I can bring a book or somehting but I am just curious what other moms have done :-)
Re: Dr moved up my CS from Wednesday to Monday: a few questions
I stayed in my hospital gown until I got up and showered because you aren't up yet anyway. Then I wore regular nightgowns because they check you constantly over the three days.
I sent my husband home and my girls went to the nursery, but only because I formula fed. If you breastfeed you probably will need your hubby around the first night or so because of getting around.
I wanted my husband to sleep well, and I slept all night and got the baby when they came to do my pulse and blood pressure first thing in the morning.
My husband would leave at 11pm and come first thing in the morning. He would bring the baby when he left and I usually got her right away in the morning after the pedi saw her. I have three autoimmune diseases so it was important for me to sleep and my doctors agreed. Again I do not breastfeed so. I watched tv when there was downtime or I took a shower or went to sleep! I don't know how much down time you think your going to have lol. Not much even if your LO goes to the nursery.
With DD, 8 years ago, they came in at 8:00 pm to take her to the nursery & I was alone because her BF hated being there. I was wide awke with tons of enery from the pain meds. That was with just a low does of percocet. I was going nuts sitting there, I rearranged the room one night. lol. I already discussed the option of taking something to sleep so I am not exhausted like I was with DD.
I also stayed in my gown the first day/night but the second day I asked them to lower my morphine so I wasn't so loopy & could try to get out of bed. I HATE the feeling of a cath so the sooner I could walk, the sooner that came out! After that, I changed into my pjs & wore them most of the time. I just remember wishing I had some clothes to choose from.
As soon as I showered I put on comfy pajama bottoms and a tank top. I changed my own pads when I went to the bathroom. They were able to pull my pants down a bit to check me.
I also brought magazines and my laptop to cure the boredem.
I was in my gown until the day after the c-section... a whole 24 hours because I had to wait until the cath was out. After I showered I was in very loose fitting pants and nursing tops. I was hot the entire time so next time I might just bring nursing gowns instead.
I didn't have any down time. LO never went to the nursery for long periods of time. Our hospital fully practices rooming in so if he was with us we were either sleeping, doing skin to skin, breastfeeding or just relaxing as a family. We did watch a lot of tv, which was both relaxing and a bit mind numbing.
Dh stayed the entire time also. He did go home twice to shower but I was in so much pain afterwards I was unable to get up and get my son for a feeding or diaper change. Without him there I would have had to call the nurses every time the baby cried.
I didn't care if I was in pj's for visitors. Most of the time I was nursing and wearing a cover. The last thing on my mind was how my clothes looked to visitors.