I had a little note in Aiden's backpack at pick up that said they hadn't received his tuition that week. At that point, the director was gone and the bank was closed. I pay it online and I couldn't believe I had forgotten to schedule the payment. Except I didn't. The money has been debited from my account and says it was scheduled to be received by the daycare on 8/1. I called and left a message asking her to please double check their mail because I'm out the money so it's sitting SOMEWHERE. Technically I owe the daycare a late fee but I'm hoping she doesn't make me pay it. Can I make the bank pay it back to me if they screwed up?
Formerly known as elmoali

Re: Effing bank and/or daycare
Checks sent online from the bank are frequently late. I've had the issue with BofA and with another out of state bank. If you want it there on the 1st, you need to schedule it for something like the 28th. They deduct the $ from your account when the check is issued, not when cashed.
ETA: The bank will likely blame the postal service... I'm sure there's some line in your 10,000 page agreement stating it can be reasonably late and they're not at fault.
You shouldn't have to pay a late fee if the money was debited from your account and deposited in the DC's account on 8/1.
Sigh, I know you're right in the end. I actually always schedule it to arrive a couple days early. It was supposed to arrive on the 1st (Wednesday) when it didn't have to be there until today. I get paid on Fridays so first thing that morning I process it and Wednesday is the first available payment date. I think I might have to suck it up and buy effing paper checks. Grr.
Unfortunately, it's not a transfer so the PP is right, I know. The bank mails a paper check and even though I had a couple days buffer, it obviously was still late. Sucks. Maybe DC won't make me pay the late fee if I can show her it SHOULD have been there. And then, like I said to the PP, I think I'm going to have to switch to physical checks because I'm not dealing with this crap.