
If you have/had an early riser....

How do you get them to sleep later? DD is consistently up between 4:30am and 5:30am. Everyday. We ended up having to put them in separate rooms because she was waking her brother, and he will sleep until 6:30-7:00. We've tried putting her to bed later, but then she gets up earlier! Ugh. Shes still taking two naps a day because she gets up so early. Around 9:00 and around 1:30. Any ideas? 
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Re: If you have/had an early riser....

  • My only suggestion would be to drop a nap and see if that helps at all.  I have early risers, and I just drink a lot of coffee.  Adjusting bed time doesn't help in our house.
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  • imageSoldiersGreenBean:
    My only suggestion would be to drop a nap and see if that helps at all.  I have early risers, and I just drink a lot of coffee.  Adjusting bed time doesn't help in our house.

     I'm living off coffee :) Adjusting bedtime doesn't help here either. How would you drop a nap? DS just kinda went to one nap on his own. She automatically falls asleep around 9. Should I just try to push it back?  

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  • I just except it.  One of mine always gets up about 5am and the other about 6am.  Dropping a nap would make her miserable by bed time.  As it is she can barely stay awake past 6pm.  The only times she's slept in we're mornings that the day before was very busy.  


    Now I see they are 17 months old, it may be time to drop a nap. 

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  • Agreed with maybe trying to drop a nap. When they get a little bit older you can get an OK to wake clock. Worked great for us but I don't think they'd understand until at least 2. 
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  • We went through this with DS from 18-22 months. He's just now starting to sleep until 6:30am again at 23 months. We tried everything and finally just had to accept it as a phase, and finally it passed.
  • imagekafunder:
    We went through this with DS from 18-22 months. He's just now starting to sleep until 6:30am again at 23 months. We tried everything and finally just had to accept it as a phase, and finally it passed.

    This makes me feel so much better. She started doing this around a month or so ago, so hopefully it's just a phase. I'll just keep brewing the coffee!!  

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  • My DS was getting up earlier and earlier. We dropped his first nap and now he sleeps well at night again. He gets cranky sometimes, though, especially around 9-10, and it is best if we get him outside or do something really fun during that time to push through it till he naps at one. But they only need a certain amount of total sleep per day, so once we switched to one nap, the night time sleep got longer. It took about a week to adjust though. 
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  • How about for infants?  My 6.5 month old girls are doing this.  They get up a little earlier each day.  They were sleeping until I got them up to leave for the day (around 6:45) but over the past couple of weeks started getting up earlier and earlier.  Yesterday was 5:30am, today was 5:15.  They only take 2 naps a day, and those have even been a little shorter then normal.  They normally go down around 8 and are up once to eat so they're only getting 8-9 hours of sleep a night and then only napping for 2-3 hours (in total) during the day).  I'm concerned they're not getting enough sleep, and I know we're not!  I'm hoping this is teething related and will pass if they ever pop some teeth.
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