How do you get them to sleep later? DD is consistently up between 4:30am and 5:30am. Everyday. We ended up having to put them in separate rooms because she was waking her brother, and he will sleep until 6:30-7:00. We've tried putting her to bed later, but then she gets up earlier! Ugh. Shes still taking two naps a day because she gets up so early. Around 9:00 and around 1:30. Any ideas?
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Re: If you have/had an early riser....
I'm living off coffee Adjusting bedtime doesn't help here either. How would you drop a nap? DS just kinda went to one nap on his own. She automatically falls asleep around 9. Should I just try to push it back?
I just except it. One of mine always gets up about 5am and the other about 6am. Dropping a nap would make her miserable by bed time. As it is she can barely stay awake past 6pm. The only times she's slept in we're mornings that the day before was very busy.
Now I see they are 17 months old, it may be time to drop a nap.
This makes me feel so much better. She started doing this around a month or so ago, so hopefully it's just a phase. I'll just keep brewing the coffee!!