Cloth Diapering

Needing a new overnight solution.

So...very suddenly prefolds are no longer working for us ON. We go approx. 10 hours at night, LO is 10 weeks old. He is waking up totally soaked. I have 1 bumgenius that if I use both of the inserts it came with, it works, but I only do laundry every other day. 


I'd really like to use something I already have as a solution for now, knowing I will need to invest in something more soon.  I just don't have the extra right now to do so.  So, here's what else I've got- plenty of prefolds in both infant and NB sizes, flip covers, various other covers, thirsties aio, 1 ones and twos, 3 fuzzibunz, 2 bumkins (likely won't work ON as they frequently leak during the day), 2 fleece fitteds, and a wool cover that still needs lanolized. The wool cover is out for now- but what do I use it with when I get it lanolized? What can you recommended for immediate ON help?

Re: Needing a new overnight solution.

  • imageLynnette171:

    So...very suddenly prefolds are no longer working for us ON. We go approx. 10 hours at night, LO is 10 weeks old. He is waking up totally soaked. I have 1 bumgenius that if I use both of the inserts it came with, it works, but I only do laundry every other day. 


    I'd really like to use something I already have as a solution for now, knowing I will need to invest in something more soon.  I just don't have the extra right now to do so.  So, here's what else I've got- plenty of prefolds in both infant and NB sizes, flip covers, various other covers, thirsties aio, 1 ones and twos, 3 fuzzibunz, 2 bumkins (likely won't work ON as they frequently leak during the day), 2 fleece fitteds, and a wool cover that still needs lanolized. The wool cover is out for now- but what do I use it with when I get it lanolized? What can you recommended for immediate ON help?


    I also have 2 grovia inserts and 3 softbums with minipods.  

  • Have you tried the ones and twos or FB? We use pocket diapers ON and really love Kawaii GNHW.

    I know you don't want to buy something new, so I would suggest using a pocket since you can adjust the absorbency. GL!!

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  • Can you add an NB prefold as a doubler to something? Like cover-doubler-fitted or cover-doubler-prefold?
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  • I tried folding one prefold in half and laying it on top of another then snappi-ing the outer layer last night...It was a "middle of the night" solution as she soaked through her BG and I think that's what woke her up...I'm thinking now that I may try the same with a thin (thirsties) hemp insert tucked in the fold as well...

    I hadn't been worrying about overnight because she was waking up to feed so often that I just changed her then...but I just used Sposies two nights in a row while travelling and got 6 hours sleep... so I'm thinking I'm with you in  needing to up the absorbancy now... if this doesn't work I'll be looking for other solutions too! Hoping to hold off on buying more since I just filled out my OS pocket/AIO stash...

    ETA: I put the folded prefold at the back, since she's still sleeping on her back now and that's where she needs the absorbancy.


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  • We use the Thirsties AIO with a doubler.
  • I know you don't want something new, BUT, these are fairly inexpensive and really get the job done.

    We use the KaWaii Goodnight Heavy Wetter - with both inserts in - and top it off with a bumgenius staydry doubler.  My son has 20oz of fluids pumped into his tummy while he sleeps so he pees RIVERS - and this setup has NEVER leaked.  

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  • Also curious what you mean with fleece fitteds? Are these fleece covers? If so, I'd suggest using them over your prefolds. 

    The hemp insert should make a great doubler - they're super absorbent and won't add too much bulk. Otherwise, the newborn prefold as doubler is a good idea too as pp suggested.  

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