May 2011 Moms

Decrease in appetite?

Has anyone noticed a decrease in their LO's appetite? DS has always been a good eater, and I always try to switch it up so he doesn't get bored and to provide with a balanced diet. But the last few days he hasn't had much of an appetite for some of his favorites. I've also noticed an increase in BFing but I don't know which is which. Is he just bored with some foods (because some meals he eats good), is it a phase, or should I give the pedi a call?

Re: Decrease in appetite?

  • We have been dealing with a shift in appetite, as well.  I am chalking it up to teething.  She's working on a bunch of teeth at the moment and I've read that can cause a decrease in appetite.  Same with the increased nursing.  I also think she is starting to assert her independence and test her boundaries, so it could very well be a phase.  As long as he is producing enough wet and dirty dipes and seems healthy otherwise, I wouldn't find it necessary to call the pedi.  But trust your gut...if you think something is up, it never hurts to get peace of mind. 
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  • My daughter decreases her food when she is teething.
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  • I definitely agree with PPs.  It could be teething since he wants to nurse more but not eat solids.  Also, a decrease in appetite is typical as babies become toddlers because they are no longer growing as much as they do during their first year.  Of course, if this lack of appetite lasts or you feel like something is wrong, follow your gut and call the doctor.  If nothing else, it will give you peace-of-mind :)
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  • First off, DD's appetite has always been bad. We never moved up from the 5oz Medela bottles because she has very rarely wanted more than that.

    However, she seems to run on a few-day cycle. She'll eat well for 3-5 days, and then eat really poorly for 3-5 days. I don't get worried about her appetite anymore unless it's extreme.

    BFP1: DD1 born April 2011 at 34w1d via unplanned c/s due to HELLP, DVT 1 week PP
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  • Thanks girls for your insight. It does look like he is teething and his appetite is still not as it was before but I don't think enough to worry since some meals he eats very well. He's weight and height has stayed pretty much the same for the last month so I guess it makes sense to think he's not growing as much. 
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