I've noticed that a lot of the pro-CFA pictures showing up on the internets have shown a lot of non-white people in lines at CFA.
Prop 8 in California was strongly supported by non-whites.
Does anyone know why non-whites react this way to gay rights?*
*I am in NO way making this a general statement about non-whites and their personal feelings towards teh geighs. It's just something I've been noticing and I'm wondering if anyone knows.
Re: Serious question about CFA and gay rights in general
I have no idea.
Are non-whites more religious in general?
I can't get the ticker to work, but I have two sons:
Baby RJ, born 1/25/2014
Formerly Twilightmv
This is the most logical reason I can think of. I would think that the majority of non-believers/non-practicers or what have you would be caucasion just because there is less of a cultural tie there.*
*generally speaking that is
This article is an interesting read on the subject.