
Flipping a breech twin

Hi ladies,

I'm just shy of 30 weeks. Baby A went breech about a week ago and has been absolutely annihilating my poor cervix with his kicking feet (not just pressure, but sharp pain when he kicks). It's incredibly uncomfortable and at times downright painful. Beyond hoping he turns so we can try for a vaginal delivery, I just want the kid to get his feet out of my lady parts!!

Baby B is vertex for the moment. I'm wondering whether any of the techniques for coaxing a singleton into flipping would work for twins. Is it even an option to try? These boys are VERY active and this cervix kicking is really wearing me down. Is there anything I can try to either encourage him to flip or to relieve the pain? My OB recommended a maternity support belt to help lift him up a bit.

Thanks in advance. 

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Re: Flipping a breech twin

  • Chiropractors might help. Make sure they are trained in the Webster technique for working with pregnant women. It isn't the aggressive turning that doctors do, but it is supposed to work, especially if you go over a period of time, by releasing some of the tension in some of the tendons,etc around your uterus that can cause it to be twisted or force the babies into a certain position, it is supposed to help open it up so they can move more feely. Apparently there is evidencial support, plus I don't think it hurts. I really think that is why my singleton turned from breech to vertex in week 36 since I had been going to one. GL!
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  • I don't know if I'd take the risk with anyone trying to flip a twin unless it was by a medical professional. I flipped my 2nd singleton at home because she randomly decided she was going to turn sideways in week 39... I stood up and pushed her butt up and her head down lol I just wouldn't want to take risks flipping an entirely breech twin without a doctor. 
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  • Thanks for the tip about a chiropractor. I've been considering going to one for my back pain for a while, so this is the push I've been needing!

    As for non-medical professionals (i.e. me) flipping, I mean using the type of natural gravity techniques you find at, as opposed to physically trying to maneuver the baby. I would not trust anyone to do that unless they were medically certified, for sure! Plus, my babies are so close together (fighting over the exit, if you will) that I don't even think it would be possible.  

    Thanks for these great tips! 

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  • My babies are still switching positions! So you still have time :) I had an ultrasound on Friday at 35 weeks and watched B flip from vertex to breech/transverse!  Who knows where they are at now.  It certainly wouldn't hurt to try the Webster technique, spinning babies, or cold at the top of the belly.  Just don't get too stressed... Yet!
  • imagejessibel00:
    My babies are still switching positions! So you still have time :) I had an ultrasound on Friday at 35 weeks and watched B flip from vertex to breech/transverse!  Who knows where they are at now.  It certainly wouldn't hurt to try the Webster technique, spinning babies, or cold at the top of the belly.  Just don't get too stressed... Yet!

    I'm trying really hard not to stress :) Thanks for your story about flipping at 35 weeks! It's hard, but ultimately there's not much I can do about where they wind up! My concern at the moment is really centered around the discomfort of A practicing karate against my cervix (me and this kid are going to have words when he's out, I'm telling you). I just want some relief! 

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  • My babies flipped late. At 32 weeks, A was breech and B was head down. At 34 weeks, both were breech. At 36 weeks, A was head down and B was breech. I delivered at 36w6d and they were still in the same position. I was shocked they were able to flip around that late considering how big they were at birth - 6lb 15oz and 6lb even. I think you still have time!
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  • I second the chiropractor suggestions. There are some who practice a sort of accupressure, non-stress maneuver similar to Webster. I had a breech baby B up to week 30. I went to the chiropractor and after a very uncomfortable evening, found out at the u/s the next day that baby B had flipped vertex. The adjustment the chiro did felt like it opened my hips up (literal popping after I left the office, though he didn't crack a single thing while I was there).
    DD born 6/27/2010 di/di B/G Twins born 5/4/2012
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