

Ok- one more question.  When did your lo start eating cereal? 
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Re: cereal

  • we started at 7.5 months, 4 months adjusted.  we started very slowly and took her cues (sitting well supported, interested in our food, etc)
    mom to V; 25 weeker born at 1lb 7oz
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  • With DD#1 we started at 5.5 month actual. We have yet to start with #2 yet, but I don't think she's really ready, plus she's only 4.5 months old.



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  • We are exactly 6m today (4adjusted) but the pedi at our developmental clinic said no cereal for another month. LO isn't stilling well yet.
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  • Dom tried cereal two weeks ago and hated it.  We are going to try again after his 6 month well baby on Monday.
    Married 05.19.07 | Together since 03.11.00 | Dom Born 02.06.12 
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  • DrRxDrRx member
    We started with a rice cereal in a bottle once a day at 4 months actual (after her 4 month appt) for a couple of weeks, and then did 1 with rice cereal and a spoon and 1 rice cereal bottle a day.  We went for a weight gain check at 5 months and since she'd been doing ok with the cereal, her pedi said it was ok to start with Stage 1 pureed veggies.  We started with green peas, and now she's had squash, green beans, sweet peas, sweet potatoes, and carrots.  We started doing oatmeal instead since she likes it better than the rice cereal. 
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