
Progesterone 17p Injection Question

Just wondering if anyone here took these shots to prevent premature birth, but it happened anyway?

DS#1 was born at 36.6 weeks and DS#2 was born at 34.6 weeks. I am nervous about if these injections will really help or is there still a possibility that nothing is going to stop this baby from coming early.

PS. I am contracting daily, the same exact way I did with my previous pregnancies.  

Re: Progesterone 17p Injection Question

  • I was on 17p shots for my second pregnancy. I started them at 16 weeks and I ended up delivering at 34w 5d due to PTL. I was on bed rest for the last two weeks on my pregnancy, and I was also on procadia and had been in the hospital two separate occasions, and received several shots of the terb to stop labor. I'm glad I did the shots, because I feel it got me another week with DD#2 baking.

    I was nervous about the shots, but after the first few, they only hurt for a few hours and then I forgot about it. IMO, they are totally worth it. 




  • DD was born at 36w1d.  I will be getting the injections with my next pregnancy.  zwe were fortunate that she had no nicu stay and was healthy, just small. My midwives and i don't want to risk an earlier birth so it is completely worth it to me if our next baby can stay inside a bit longer.
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  • My first was born at 34 w 5 d due to pPROM.  I did the shots the second time around from weeks 16-36 (20 shots in all).  I delivered #2 at 38 w 1 d.  I totally think it was the shots that kept me from having the baby earlier than that.  Are they a guarantee?  Nope.  But, there were no side effects from the medication (I researched it before I decided to do it and there were no long term side effects, just redness and burning at the injection site), I figured it was a no brainer for me.

    Good luck with your decision...and in carrying this baby to full term!

  • I delivered at 26+4 with my first, and I was committed to doing ANYTHING I could to keep this baby in longer. I'm now at 27+2 and have been getting injections since week 16. I don't know if it will help, but I find it a very minor inconvenience for the potential benefit. As long as they don't use a tiny needle to give the injection, it goes in smoothly, and I'm not even sore afterward!


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