Cloth Diapering

Prepping Qs

I think thess are probably dumb questions that I know the answer to but I'm paranoid so I'll ask anyway...  I have the new generation KL0s - they say they are 90% cotton, 10% polyester.  Can I prep these with my organic cotton pre-folds?

I also have a few Grovia NB AIOs - can I prep those with the above or should they be done separately?

 Thanks in advance for helping ease my over-thinking mind!

BFP#1 4/27/11 Natural m/c 5/11/11 at 6w3d
BFP#2 7/22/11 M/C 9/2/11 at 10w5d
BFP #3 12/8/11 EDD 8/11/12
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Re: Prepping Qs

  • Yes, you can prep all of them together since they are all natural fabrics.  You need to wash then dry them all around 5 times to completely prep them.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers 
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