I knew lots of guys named Adrian and only one Adrianne. I don't think anyone would confuse the male spelling for the girl and they are pronounced totally different.
I know one Adrian (m) and two little Adrian's (f). There parents went with Adrian instead of Adrianne, because they thought Adrianne was too frilly.
Oh wow, I didn't realize people are using Adrian for girls now! I'd dig my heels in on this one and try to keep it on the boy side. If you let them have it they win. lol
I'm side-eyeing parents who name little girls Adrian so hard. It's a male name- female versions are Adrienne or Adrianna. Adrian is no more a girl name than Daniel is.
I wouldn't assume boy or girl with Adrian. It's one of those names for me that I wouldn't know. I might wonder boy first, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a girl.
I knew lots of guys named Adrian and only one Adrianne. I don't think anyone would confuse the male spelling for the girl and they are pronounced totally different.
Call me stupid, but what are the different pronunciations? I've known a couple Adrians (both boys thank goodness) and one Adrienne (girl) and I honestly thought they were pronounced the same.
I agree, however, that Adrian is 100% boy
I've only known 1 girl whose name was Adrianne (this spelling) and she pronounced it A-dree-ann vs. A-dree-in. I didn't realized there was another female spelling. Adrienne seems like it would sound the same as Adrian, but it's just not something I was aware of until now.
Re: Adrian
Oh wow, I didn't realize people are using Adrian for girls now! I'd dig my heels in on this one and try to keep it on the boy side. If you let them have it they win. lol
I've only known 1 girl whose name was Adrianne (this spelling) and she pronounced it A-dree-ann vs. A-dree-in. I didn't realized there was another female spelling. Adrienne seems like it would sound the same as Adrian, but it's just not something I was aware of until now.
Yes, IMO, it has always been too feminine for a boy.