
FYI- Delta airlines offers international adoption discount fare

Just in case anyone didnt know about it. Delta airlines offers an international adoption discount fare. Please read up on the fare rules too as it may not be worth it in the end.
DS- 4 years old, Natural m/c @ 7 weeks-12/1/09. Infertility issues- low ovarian reserve- low AMH and high FSH. Looking into adoption. Trying to figure out where to go with your little one? My favorite website is: Trekaroo AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers

Re: FYI- Delta airlines offers international adoption discount fare

  • CheleChele member
    I didn't know this, thank you. 
  • Thanks for posting this! We just made our first trip with Delta but I did not know about the discount.  I called tonight and the lady did not know about adoption discount, but she found it in their databank (it is not explained on the website) and did a "trial" to see if we bought a ticked next week, how much discount we would relieve.  The ticked went from $2,600 to $2,200.  $400 savings!  I will definitely be looking into it when we get our next travel dates.  Thanks again! 

    TTC September 2010 thru October 2011
    SA February 2011: Normal
    RE App. October 2011 - Recc. Clomid and IUI

    Taking a break from TTC to pursue adoption

    Met our 2 year old son in Russia July 2012!
    Court trip October 2012
    Home November 24 2012!

    Back to RE Summer 2013. TTC journey continues: 

    Dx DOR, endometriosis, low sperm count 
    Clomid + IUI#1, #2 = BFN / IUI #3 = ???

    Laparoscopy scheduled December 2013

    Adding a Burden
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  • Thanks for the info!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • There's also a travel agent that a number of people use--Earl Azumoto or something like that--the ladies on the Holt boards all rave about him. He has access to adoption fares that aren't published.

    He did find really good rates for us the last time we went to Korea, but we were able to use miles instead, and free is better than cheap!

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