With DD (12mo old) we waited and were surprised with the sex at birth. When I was pregnant with her I really wanted to find out but the surprise seemed to be a huge excitement for DH so I went along with it. This time, he has said its totally up to me and I'm soooo torn. Ultrasound is next Wednesday and I just keep going back and forth. Part of me thinks if we find out (which we would keep a secret just between us, not sharing with anyone!) it would be fun to experience it both ways, different with each pregnancy. The other part of me sees the payoff in waiting until baby pops out and getting that great big surprise after all that hard work.
Just so torn!
Has anyone out there done one thing for one pregnancy and then switched it up for another? Any regrets or feelings about it one way or the other?
Re: Anyone switch it up from one pregnancy to the other?
Currently going through our second deployment. Can't wait for Zoe to meet her daddy!
We were Team Green all 3 times. With #2, we were going to find out, but on the way to the u/s I changed my mind. I already had a boy, and really wanted to have a girl, too. Of course, I really wanted a healthy baby, but I wanted to have the experience of having one of each. I was afraid that if I went in for the u/s and found out it was another boy, I would be a little sad. I didn't want to be sad at all - like I said, we really wanted a healthy baby! So we waited.
By the time of delivery, I was sure DD was going to be a boy and I was fine with it - I thought it would be great for DS to have a brother close in age, and how much fun they would have. I was shocked that DD was a girl, but thrilled! So by the end, I would have been happy with either!
This time, there was really no point in finding out - we already have one of each, so I wouldn't have to go out and buy anything. And we love having the surprise and excitement in the DR when you find out!
We were team green for both DD and DS and I loved it. We already had a neutral nursery so it didn't really matter if we found out. I actually bought some boy clothes before the baby came since most of my stuff was pink. I figured it would be easier to send DH to the store to return the stuff if need be, rather than try to go out shopping for new clothes with a newborn and toddler.
I would consider finding out at the ultrasound for our next child b/c of deciding on bedroom arrangements, but honestly LO is usually in our room for 6 months anyways, so I'd probably still end up going green. I just love the anticipation and excitement of the surprise.
We didn't find out with either because DH loves not knowing. I kind of wanted to find out this time so that if LO was a boy I could get some clothes. Since getting my neutral clothes out I realize if we do have a boy he will have plenty of clothes for a while so it's not a big deal.
We found out for 1 and 2, but surprised for #3...I always wanted to try it but never had the will power to not know. We had a boy an a girl so by 3 we wanted to wait and it was fun not knowing. I did find it easier to bond in utero with the baby when I knew what it was...but it was fun hearing what he was after my first natural birth (first two births were medicated) and working so hard and finding out he was a boy (though he couldve been a monkey and I wouldve been happy he was out!)
If we have another I dont know what we will do!