I am just curious why you don't walk away from these debates? You are never going to win or change minds. It is a lot like beating your head against a wall.
ETA: I do not agree with you and if you saw all my Mom does for us you would probably crap your pants. I am just curious why you keep up the argument you are never going to win.
Re: KC are you a glutton for punishment?
It's fun to debate!
Although I did prove that college tuitions in 2000 on average were $3k so I win something.
Umm, I must have missed that because I'm pretty sure you were proven wrong by Hen.
You did. Read my response to her.
Actually, Hen's link is the one that proved me right. She posted stats from 2008, but then when you scrolled down on that link you could get to stats from 2000. The mean from 2000-2003 was $3k for state schools.
I will refer you to my response. Also, I'm done. I dont give a crap what you think you paid. You're awesome. You know everything. You win at lyfe. I bow down to you.
I wish I could have gone to school for 2 years. Earn a ton of money. Never need help. I'm just not as good as you. But as an attorney with $256,000 in student loan debt, I can barely get a job that I make more than my student loan payment -- which I have no doubt is higher than you make in a month.
But my pregnant azzz is getting all worked up and I have to get to yoga class. So peace.
you've got it backwards. It's the people who regularly engage this moron who are the gluttons for punishment.
She isn't even talking about "state school" is she? Is she not posting links to the community college she went to? Community College =/= state school. Not that I am saying there is anything wrong from getting a two year degree from a CC. Just that they aren't the same thing, and tuition for a community college is obviously going to be much lower than a state university.
Regardless, she'll probably just tell you that you should have never followed your dream to be an attorney, because that was a less than stellar financial decision. You know since your parents didn't pay for it, and all.
It's true. I'm kicking myself right now. I'm usually pretty good at ignoring her.