Working Moms

WONDERFUL day back to work!

I've been off for the summer with my DS.  Today I went back. I'm a school counselor so I went back two weeks early to help with registration.  I watched the Olympics in the office, talked to grown ups about grown up stuff, scheduled students classes, and stayed super busy but not stressed at all!

DS didn't want to leave when I came to get him.  I actually had to drag him out kicking and screaming because he wanted to play with a blue hammer.  He doesn't understand that he can play with the hammer again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day...

Now lets hope every day will be this good.

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Re: WONDERFUL day back to work!

  • I am so happy for you! Today was my first day back too and I also had a great day! I got to spend an hour and a half nursing/play/cuddle time with my lo before work, got to visit with her on my lunch break, and she slept all morning and took an hour afternoon nap so she didn't even miss me during that time ( she is 12 weeks). Also keeping fingers crossed for most days to be like today. Best wishes to you and your lo!
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