
Help me come up with a stock pile

My husband gets his quarterly bonus this week.  We discussed and want to use it to stock pile groceries and staples because money is going to be tight during my maternity leave.  Also I figure trying to go shopping with 2u2 is going to be a PIA.  I am thinking cat food, cat litter, laundry detergent, dog food, toilet paper, paper towels, and ordering a couple meat packs from the butcher.  What else can you think of to stockpile for a 3 month maternity leave?  I am trying to think of some easy pre made meals.
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Re: Help me come up with a stock pile

  • Shampoo, soap, etc. Dish soap. Rice, pasta, beans, condensed soup for cooking with. Frozen veggies for sides or casserole additions. Ground beef & chicken breasts to freeze.

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  • I would just buy ingredients to make meals and freeze them. Lasagna, baked ziti, casseroles, etc.

    What do you usually have for breakfast or lunch? Cereal should last long enough. 

    You could also set aside some of the cash (in cash) to use during the 3-month leave. Maybe for a night or two of takeout?

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  • I have a friend who makes batches of 30 breakfast burritos at a time and freezes them. They just nuke them to have an easy breakfast in the morning. You could do that.
  • We use cloth diapers and wipes.  I already have bought several boxes of NB diapers and of the size 4 DD is currently in in case the first month or so I don't feel like diaper laundry,  For breakfast we have pancakes, waffles, oatmeal or cereal a lot.  I will stock pile on those.  These are great suggestions and helping me to keep my list focused.  I was afraid I was going to go to Sams and loose track and decide 15 pounds Peanut Butter cups would be ideal for 3 months.  We have a chest freezer and usually stock pile some meat as it is.  Where I live the big weather catastrophe is a snow storm.  In that case you throw your food in the back yard.  We also have a generator so that isn't a worry.
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  • I shop at Costco, I stock pile...



    Frozen Veggies with zipper tops

    Granola Bars


    Pasta sauce

    Paper Products

    Soap/Shampoo/Conditioner/Body Wash

    Tooth Paste/Brushes



    Some Quick foods-Mac and Cheese type stuff

    Stewed Tomatoes




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  • Sugar-free Red Bull and pork rinds.
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