Working Moms

STM: going back to work again...a little rambling and a question

Today is my first day back to work after having DD2. I took 6 weeks off like I did with DD1. I am actually surprised that it is easier this time around. I think what broke my heart more this morning is that DD1 started crying. She had gotten used to being home with me (we had her in DC 2 times a week while I was on leave so that she could still have somewhat of a routine).

I think what has helped is that this time around is that we know our provider very well and think she is awsome. With DD1 I literally felt like I was leaving my child with a complete stranger who I had interviewed and that is it.

I won't lie, but I am watching the clock today and can't wait to get home to be with my girls tonight. Sorry if I am rambling, but I need something to pass the time.

Have any STMs felt it was easier going back to work the second time around compared to the first?

"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."
Goodbye little angel(7/22/2011)....see you in heaven
Goodbye my second angel (9/18/2011)
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Re: STM: going back to work again...a little rambling and a question

  • This gives me hope that I won't have as hard of a time going back to work the second time around as I did with DS. So thank you for posting this! 

    I hope your day goes by quickly so you can get home to your sweet girls!  

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  • This time was easier going back to work, and I am thankful it was! With DD it was hard to hold back the tears. I love our DCP and knew it would all be ok. This may sound bad but I actually was excited on my first day ( I had been stuck in the house for 4-5 weeks unable to drive) It felt good to be around adults all day! I did miss my kids and was excited to get home and be with them though.

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  • It was definitely easier with #2, though still not easy. I was a wreck with #1. 
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  • aglennaglenn member
    Yes and no for me.  It was less nerve-wracking because I knew the DC well and knew that DS would be fine, but emotionally it was still really hard to leave him.  I had such a nice time on maternity leave the second time (DS is an easier baby, plus I was much more relaxed) and I didn't want to see it end.  He's going to be our last baby so that is probably part of it.
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  • Yes, it was a million times easier for me this time around.
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