Cloth Diapering

Cloth Diapering HELP!

Help. I don't know anything about cloth diapers.  I have been seriously contemplating using them but I do not know the first thing about them.  Brands, covers, inserts, pricing, velcro, snaps.  OMG It's so overwhelming. HELP.

Re: Cloth Diapering HELP!

  • I started research about the same time as you.  You can do it.  I watched a lot of reviews on YouTube that compared types and started reading this board.  I enjoyed ordering a few different and trying them out before I bought a bunch.  In the mean time I used prefolds and covers for the first month.  Good luck!
  • I felt the same way at first, but really after awhile it's so easy. I really just read up on them as much as I could by going to the websites etc etc. In the end I've really found what I've liked by just trying different brands. My only advice would be to not 'stock up' on one kind of diaper before you are actually able to try them out on your little one. Our daughter is long and skinny and her thighs just are not chubby enough yet for some of the brands we've tried. So far I really like Fuzzibuns pockets and Bumgenius AIO's.
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