We had our a/s on Thursday and baby looks healthy (we will get the final results at my appt next month). The tech wasn't 100% happy with all of the shots that she got so she told me not to be surprised/scared if I got a call asking me to come back for another u/s, I promised that I would just be excited to get another peek at the baby.
I had a feeling that we were having a girl this time around, but I was still surprised to see those 3 little lines instead of a turle. I can't wait to start crocheting her blankets, hats, headbands with flowers.....I must refrain from going too crazy!
Re: We are having a girl!
I just had a hunch (I had the same thing with DS) as soon as those 2 pink lines showed up I *knew* what I was having each time. And yes this pregnancy is night and day different. I've had a lot of nausea early on in this pregnancy (fortunately I was never sick), and the worst I had with DS was "Eh, I'm not hungry". There are a TON of foods that I just can't stand right now (mostly veggies), but with DS the ONLY food I couldn't stand was bacon (which was pretty miserable on it's own ).
I could go on, but I'll stop there. I know that every pregnancy is different, so I guess I wouldn't have been too shocked if it was a boy, but surprised none-the-less.
Awwww yay have a name decided?
Thank you! This was something that always annoyed me when pregnant with DS. Everyone was too pissed/upset/annoyed that we were team green that they never even bothered to ask if he was healthy. So my response was always "No we aren't finding out if it's a boy or a girl, but we want a healthy baby and that is exactly what we are getting!"
We were also team green with #1, and found out this time. I feel like both have been so fun...I'm really glad we got to do it both ways. Hope you have the same experience!
I agree I'm so glad we did it both ways. We found out at the u/s that I have an anterior placenta this time around and I haven't been feeling her move very much. Without that movement I was starting to not feel connected to her, but now that I know she is a she I feel a much stronger connection. I started feeling DS move around 14 weeks and I felt him almost daily from that point on so I felt a strong connection to him from that.
And I loved the excitement of finding out at the u/s. Finding out at birth was exiting too, but in a different way.
This was exactly what I was thinking when I wrote my response to you! I nearly cried during the scan because I was so emotional not because we are having a girl - I think I would have been just as emotional with a boy. But just being able to picture our completed family, was an incredibly emotional moment.