TTC after 35


I've been opening the pregnant > 35 thread daily, not to read posts or anything, just to remind myself that it does happen, and not everyone > 35 is automatically barren. 

:S :S :S I think hitting the year mark is taking its toll.  

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Re: Confession...

  • Hope is a great reason to open PG >35 thread.

    Some of us open daily to get news on those that we've gotten to "know" here.  It's ok, there's alot of overlap and that's ok. 

    TTC since 10/09 Me-43 DH-44 RE and testing 10/10-11/10, Recommending IVF 1/11 New RE AMA and DOR-DH low motility IVF #1.1 cancelled 3/11 due to poor response IVF #1.2 May 2011, one perfect 8-cell embryo, 3dt-BFN, IVF #2.1 Converted to IUI d/t poor response. New RE 9/2011. IVF 2.2 completed using HGH,EPP,DHEA, Q-10 and accupuncture. Transferred one 8-cell, grade one embryo on 10/19. BFP 10/31/11 Chemical pregancy on 11/2/11. Started stims for IVF #3, our final try, on 12-2-11. ET on 12/18. Transferred 3 Grade A embryos-BFFN Planning DE IVF, late March/early April- Donors ER expected to be 4/2-4/4. PAIF/SAIF welcome
  • YES! I hope to see a lot of the new friends I am making here in TTC>35 over there. :)

    And definitely keeping the hope alive here in TTCville. :D Thanks for being so supportive and understanding! 

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  • I've been reading the pregnant>35 (also 1st trimester) more lately, I DO need some proof that it CAN happen.  That board gives me some hope...I also like driving myself crazy with comparing their s/s to my own. :)   
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  • I confess - me too!  You're not alone it helps me believe it can happen.  I also lurk on SAIF and hope I will make it there someday :)

    Me 38 MH 41 - TTC since June 2010 - dx with Severe MFI. Straight to IVF with ICSI. IVF #1 - ER 06/13/12 - 9 Eggs Retrieved - 4 ICSI'd - only 2 fert. 06/15/12 - 2DT - 3 cell & 6 cell with fragmentation. Beta 06/29/12 - IVF #1 = BFN. 07/20/12 - WTF Appt -Told by our RE to quit IVF. Second Opinion from RE is good. IVF#2 - November 2012. Estradiol Pills Started 11/6. Stims start 11/16. ER 11/26 - 7 eggs retrieved - all mature. 4 fertilized with ICSI. ET 11/29 Transferred 3 embryos. Beta is 12/10. 1st Beta 81 2nd Beta 160 and 3rd beta 360!!! First U/S 12/21/12 - We saw one beautiful gest. sac. 2nd U/S is 01/04/2013 - H/B 183 02/05/13 - NT Scan - everything looks good and IT'S A BOY!  Aiden was born 08/20/2013.

    IVF #2 is in progress.  ER was 05/12/14 - 11 eggs retrieved, 8 fertilized with ICSI.  ET was 05/15/14 - we transferred 3 embryos as we did on the cycle my son was conceived.  We were able to freeze 3 embryos. Beta is scheduled for 05/26/14.  1st beta - 111.  2nd beta - 159 didn't double :( 3rd beta Friday 5/30) - not a lot of hope left. Beta # 3 is 247 - probably ectopic.  Beta # 4 is 813 - possibly vanishing multiple sydrome?  06/05/14 - 5w4days - first U/S - we see a gestational sac and yolk - still have hope!  06/17/14 - 7w1day - U/S and saw and heard the heartbeat - Finally!  06/27/14 - 8w4days - Baby and heartbeat look and sound great :)  EDD 02/01/14 and It's a boy!

     "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."


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  • Same here...I check it daily (at least) and love to see the TTC35 graduates over there!  The "new member" posts are a double edged sword though... the ones that got pg quickly and easily give me hope that I am not as old as I think I am but they also make me want to smack people.  Life can be so unfair. 
    Me: 40 Dh: 41, TTC since August 2009, began Acupuncture and Herbs Sept 2011, began Temping and Charting Nov 2011. image
  • I lurk there all the time...wishful thinking!
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