Working Moms

Apparently my co-workers think I am not coming back. -__-

Co-worker let it slip today that people are wondering if I'll actually come back after this baby comes.  I am probably being oversensitive, but I am annoyed because 1) I don't really appreciate people discussing my future work status behind my back and 2) that they don't take me at my word that I'll be back. 

Anybody else deal with this?  I don't know if there is anything I can do but wait until my matenity leave it over and show them I am coming back.  It just really bugs me that I am being questioned.

DH and I married 8 years. Mom of three, stepmom of one.


Re: Apparently my co-workers think I am not coming back. -__-

  • It's annoying but blame all the women that say they're coming back and then don't.  Especially since this isn't your first.  The best thing you can do is prove them wrong - as long as your supervisor isn't questioning you, I wouldn't worry about it.

  • imageBeachBum73:
    It's annoying but blame all the women that say they're coming back and then don't.  Especially since this isn't your first.  The best thing you can do is prove them wrong - as long as your supervisor isn't questioning you, I wouldn't worry about it.

    This should have been reason 3 why I am irked.  I don't care to be lumped in with them.  Sorry if that sounds b!tchy, but I don't.

    DH and I married 8 years. Mom of three, stepmom of one.


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  • I know EXACTLY how you feel. But its actually the director of my dept (my bosses boss) that has been going around and saying he doesn't believe I will be coming back after this LO. Makes me so mad bc I am going back too.  

    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm pretty sure my coworkers thought this but didn't come right out and say it. It is definitely annoying for them to be talking about that. You will have the last laugh when you prove them wrong, and maybe they will learn not to assume things. 
  • I'm sure my co-workers think this, too. They might be right. Still not sure.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I get the whole "so are you really coming back??" from coworkers and clients all the time. I'm a hairdresser so I'm actually going back really soon after (just part time), and don't want to lose my clientele by taking so much time. It can be annoying but like PP said a lot of people just assume you'll be so in love with your baby you will change your mind. I wish I could stay home but we can't afford it! Plus I'm sure eventually getting out of the house and getting adult interaction will be a nice break...that's what I'm telling myself anyway. :) 

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  • Most people didn't think I'd be back after my daughter was born.  In fact, my assistant was being groomed to take my position.  This was all the while me saying I will be back.  I have no desire to be a SAHM.  This go around, during my annual review, my boss says to me " I know you don't really want to work".  Um, excuse me?  When did I EVER say that?  Oh that's right, never.  Honestly, I've gotten to the point of not caring what anyone has to say.  One thing is for sure....I'm on track to get a kick a**ss bonus in March so I sure as hell will be back for that!!!!!   ;)
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  • I went through the same thing.  It also annoyed me, however, I know it happens, so I tried to not take it personal.  It's just one of those things, I guess.

    You could maybe speak with your supervisor about the rumors you have heard and tell them that you plan on coming back.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Let them think whatever they want. Who cares? You'll prove them wrong!
  • I got that last time and I knew I was going back.  One of my co-workers even told me when I got back that my boss was saying she is not coming back openly!!! Excuse me!!!  I am just 13 wks pregnant with #2 and really don't even want to tell these gossipy people.  I took a sick day about a month ago on a Friday & and my group went to lunch together...I guarentee they weren't back 5 min when one of them e-mail'd me saying so and so thinks your pregnant.  This girl just came back from maternity leave herself.  People are goign to be noisy and speculate.  Let them!  I know its frustrating but there is nothing you can do to stop them.

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