Attachment Parenting

I think my little girl is a lot nicer person than I am

So 2 yr old was squashing the baby. I told her to stop. She then redoubled her efforts to squash the baby. I grabbed her off the baby and shrieked at her (this was at the end of a long day of her repeatedly trying to hit/squash/sit on the baby and constantly ignoring any request I made of her.

So she stopped trying to squash the baby and then started insisting I use the pyjamas she wanted me to put on the baby, rather than the pair I had in my hand and was about to put on her. She starts pulling my pair away and pushing her pair into my hand (she's not very verbal). At which point I start shrieking at her again because I'm over being bossed around by a 2 yr old.

Then I pause. I consider why I'm shrieking at my 2 yr old (in reality I'm still mad about the squashing incident that just happened, I really don't care what pyjamas DD2 wears)

So with a gentle tone I ask DD1 if she'd like me to use the pyjamas she has for Jane. She agrees she would. So again being very gentle, we talk about how she'd gone and chosen the pyjamas for Jane and she helps undo some buttons.

Then she just hugs me, and tells me she's making me happy.

It was a nice end to a long hard day. I'm pretty sure I would have told me to F off, if I was her. 

Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old

Re: I think my little girl is a lot nicer person than I am

  • I know those feelings. Ughh and it just makes me feel more guilty.

    When I was on leave older DD was home with us on Tuesday/Thursdays and we called them "girls days". To be honest until recently I dreaded them and after one particularaly awful day she told me they were still her favorite days. Now that I work I'm doing some days at home and we get one girls day a week. I enjoy it more now but feel like we wasted some of those days.

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  • I'm familiar with that feeling. The one when you remember that they're misbehaving but so are you. It's kind of crappy. It's good that you can stop and think about it.
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  • aglennaglenn member
    Ugh, been there, lived that scene.  The transition to 2 kids has not been easy, but children are so forgiving, aren't they?  After one particularly rough day when DH was out of town, DD said, "Mommy, I had a lot of fun with you today."  My first thought was, "Seriously?  That passes for fun?"  but then it made me sad.  :(  It's OK to not be perfect, though, and we are all learning as we go.  Hang in there, it does get better!
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  • We all have days like that. Today I shrieked at DS because he wouldn't let go of the SSC I was wearing DD in. He just kept holding onto it and I was trying to heave the vacuum outside to DH so he could vacuum the car, and I kept tripping over DS. I was getting SO ANNOYED, and he would just NOT let go, and then I realized that he was not trying to be annoying. He just wanted to be close to his mommy the way that the baby was. I felt bad. They are so forgiving at this age.
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  • I love all of your stories!  I only have one LO who is 1 right now, but it gives me things to remember should a #2 come along soon :)
  • mvhydemvhyde member
    I do love hearing about stories about how to AP with 2 kids. I think you recovered well.
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