DD has been in the same daycare/preschool for 2 years now. She goes three full days. It took her about one year to really adjust and not get upset about going. I have a webcam so I get to watch her when needed and she seems to really enjoy herself. Just recently she started freaking out when we drop her off. I am 22 weeks pregnant and starting to wonder if that has anything to do with it. She gets to the point where she is literally tackling my DH out of the door as he is leaving and she is hysterical. She is fine after a few minutes. We have tried to talk her about it and she just says she doesn't want to go and she wants to stay home. I am home with her on Mondays and she goes to my in-laws on Wednesdays and she is always fine with that. Does anyone have advice on how to handle this? I know it is only going to get worse once the baby comes and I am home on maternity. TIA for any input.
TTC #2 since Sep 09. BFP 08/1/11 Missed MC 9/12/11 D&E 9/14/11 @ 11 weeks (baby measured @ 8 weeks)
Clomid 1=BFN Clomid/IUI 2 cycles=BFN Femara/IUI & Progesterone=BFN Femara/IUI on 3/9/12 & Progesterone 2x day=BFP on 3/19/12!! Beta #1 (3/20)=48 Beta #2 (3/22)=153 Beta #3 (3/26)=1207 Beta #4 (3/28)=3313 Beta #5 (3/30)=7682!!! 1st us 4/2/12 5w5d saw heartbeat
Re: 4 year old crying for school
Its funny you post that. I think we have the same DD. My DD just turned 5 and I could count on one hand how many times she cried when I dropped her off at preschool but she is doing it more and more these last 2 weeks (I'm 27 weeks pregnant). She cries and begs me not to leave and just says she wants to always be with me. She is saying this at bedtime too when I leave her room after reading books. She is fine after a few minutes as well and up until today had no issues when she is dropped off with my parents twice a week (she actually did whine today but not cry). I agree with you I bet its the baby. I tried talking to her about it saying I will always come back but it doesn't seem to help. I hope it goes away soon as its exhausting as you know!
I did bribe her and say we would get a slurpee on the way home from school if she was a big girl and no get upset. Worked gerat but i can't give her slurpees everyday