DD knows all of her letters and letter sounds, so I'm assuming the next step is teaching her to read and sight words. Does anyone have any suggestions for teaching them, or toys and videos that actual help teach sight words and how to read? Thanks for your help!
Re: toys/books/videos for teaching sight words?
read books w/ alot of the same words.
Nope, we don't. We read lots of the same books over and over and I try to point out the words, but she just audibly memorizes lots of stuff. She can recite several of the pages from the Lorax verbatim. But I can't get her to concentrate on any of the words from the books.
I'll have to look into a tag reader and a few of the other things mentioned. Thank you!
my blog :: the domestic wannabe
As a reading teacher I would recommend working on phonemic awareness first, then reading CVC words, and after that adding sight words.
You said she as all her letters and sounds, can she correctly give you the first sound of a word? Start there and then work on identifying the last sound, and finally the middle sound. Start with simple words that you come across when reading (I would pick one or two words in a book we were reading). Say the word slowly, M-O-P, emphasizing the part of the word you want her to identify. You can play this game in the car too. Practice blending the word and taking it apart. If blending is tricky, start with compound words like stop-light. You can also play rhyming games in the car.
Once she can take apart and blend words out loud, try having her sound out CVC words when you come across them in a book. Again, just pick one or two words per story, you want reading to be enjoyable! My daughter also experimented on her own with this leapfrog word builder game.
After your DD has developed her phonics skills and can sound out CVC words, buy some easy reader books and start practicing with those. Keep the focus on sounding out words, the sight words will come naturally if you just keep pointing them out.
My best advice though is to just do it slowly and keep it fun and spontaneous.
We also like the Preschool Prep videos (they also have workbooks and flashcards and other things too).
I ordered a set of first reader books from the Scholastic catalog through preschool around Christmastime and DD loves them.