Do you or your neighbors hire landscapers to mow and maintain your lawns? I'm staying with my parents this summer and they live in a neighborhood where EVERYONE hires landscapers to work on their yards. Every day it's a different yard on one side or the other (or it's theirs) and they ALWAYS come right as I'm trying to put M down for a nap. If he does happen to fall asleep, it's not for long, as the stupid lawn guys buzz with their stupid weed wackers and their stupid industrial strength movers directly under his window.
They are driving me bonkers!
/vent over.
Re: Landscapers are driving me BONKERS!
Yes, most of my neighbors have lanscapers mow their lawn. We've had landscaping work done, but never on a re-occurring basis since MH mows our lawn.
Luckily DS sleeps through the noise & also likes to watch them if he's up.
It's weird what DS wil sleep though vs. what will wake him up. We've been having work done in our basement for a week now & it's so loud, plus they are playing music down there. He'll sleep through it. But then the doorbell rang & he woke up.
When we had major landscaping done a few months ago, he slept through it all, too - and he naps in the living room & the windows were open! But then, he'll wake at the slightest creak in the floor or stairs.
ugh that is so annoying! i feel like we have the world's loudest neighborhood so i feel you! we do have "gardeners" that come & mow for us and tend to the lawn, but since I can tell them when to come, they get here at 8am which doesn't interfere with naptime. It prob pisses off my neighbors, but oh well. :-)
As we speak, the loudest garbage truck ever is rolling thru my neighborhood as G takes a nap. Thankfully we use a fan and a sound machine to drown out noise. Have you tried both of those?
We have landscapers who come to aerate the lawn and spray it for weeds and stuff. DH does the actual mowing though. He used to work for TruGreen and is kinda crazy about our lawns. The kids don't mind any of the noise if they're napping but if they are awake, they'll sit by the different windows to watch.
Edited because I hit send before finishing my thought.
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