Baby Names

A name for Penelope's sister

I am expecting # 2. If we have a boy we have his name picked out (Charlie).

If we have a girl, we have no idea. We struggled the 1st time around with naming her and I was hesitant with the name Penelope - my DH picked it but I have since fell in love with her and her name.

What I love about Penelope is that it is unique. I have yet to meet one. We call her by her name, no real nick name. (I know the Kardashian's just ruined it and it will now be popular...).

Anyhow, looking for a nice complementary name that is also not too popular. I like Victoria, my husband said NO.

Any suggestions? 

Re: A name for Penelope's sister

  • Penelope and Daphne

    Penelope and Camille

    Penelope and Violet

    Penelope and Corinne

    Penelope and Eleanor

    Penelope and Lorelei

    Penelope and Margot

    Penelope and Norah

    Penelope and Adelaide

    Penelope and Delilah

    Penelope and Lydia 

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  • Penelope is one my favorite names.  I wanted to use it but the Kardashian's have ruined it for me.  You are lucky you used it before they got to it.  Anyway, I also like the name Matilda and I think those two names sound so great together.  Vivian and Tabitha sound good too.  Good luck!
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  • TheWopTheWop member
    Athena, Eleanor, Agatha

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  • The names that first come to mind are:






    HTH and GL! 

  • Violet is my favorite so far as Penelope's sister
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  • Immediately my mind went to Clementine. 

    Other suggestions:





    Magnolia (nn Maggie)




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