
Horrible Adhesion Pain Post C/S....

I am 11 weeeks out from my c-section and woke up with terrible left-sided pain this morning.  I went to the ER and my CT scan was normal.  The Dr. said it's likely adhesion pain.  I am following up with my OB in a few days, but was wondering if anyone else has had this??  It's a pulling/burning/sharp pain that occurs with activity (usually.)  From what I have read on the web, it can be a chronic thing.....GREAT....and I thought I was totally recovered!

Re: Horrible Adhesion Pain Post C/S....

  • i have adhesions...i started noticing pain about 3 months pp. i went to my dr and he confirmed it. i was concerned i'd be having to deal with that pain forever, but in my case it only lasted a couple months. my dd is now 2.5 and i haven't felt adhesion pain in a long time.
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