My ILs think I'm crazy for still having L in a crib, so I'm looking to see when most people end up ditching the crib for a bed. This is assuming you used a crib at some point.[Poll]
C climbed out about 2mos ago. Didn't even hear him get out on the monitor, he just started screaming and I found him yanking on the bars upset that he couldn't get back in. Even though he probably wouldn't have done it again because he was thrilled to be put back in, we switched him that weekend to be safe. Reading at bedtime is definitely a whole new process without the but unpredictable.
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We left them in there as long as we could. Once DD started perching on top and I thought it was more of a danger that she'd fall out, then we converted to toddler bed. We were lucky, it wasn't until they were over 2 - they'd talk to each other so maybe didn't try as hard to climb out and come find us. Just switched them to twin beds with guard rail a couple of months ago (toddler beds were squeaky)
*Siggy Warning*
About me 2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!
DS will be 26 months tomorrow & he's still in his crib.
We attempted to transition his crib into a toddler daybed just before he turned 2. Night time was no problem. We put the crib rail back on after struggling with nap time the next afternoon. We haven't tried again since he hasn't attempted climbing out...yet.
We are planning on keeping her in crib until about 21 months. At that point her brother will be ready for the crib and out of the bassinet. It should be around Christmas time. We will play it by ear but depending on her for Christmas she is getting either a crib or new linen for her big girl bed.
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I chose 22 months but if we're going to be super precise I'd say it was 22.5 months. We probably should have ditched it sooner because she was going nuts at bedtime from about 20 months on. She couldn't stand the crib but we just dealt with it because she couldn't climb out yet. Then she climbed out at 22.5 months.
We moved her to a crib mattress on the floor while we waited on her bed to be ready (it's a wooden twin bed that a friend refinished and painted) and her bedding to come in.
She finally moved to her bed on her second birthday.
DS is 20 months and still in the crib. He will be staying put until he can climb out. Hopefully that will be a while because he has always been a slow climber.
I definitely won't be moving him out until he looks like he's going to escape. Right now he will barely even sit up in his crib. If he wakes up, he just lays there and calls out for us. When I come into the room he will get up and stand up in his crib with his hands up so I can pick him up.
My SIL's son was 16 months and BIL's daughter was 15 months when they got rid of their cribs, so they think I'm some kind of crazy for still having him in there. I think they are just jealous.
Today. We had a rather dramatic event which led to the destruction of the crib and its conversion to a toddler bed. I am hoping that DD sleeps in her bed. She slept fine in a regular double bed on her own while we were on vacation, so I hope the toddler bed will not be an issue.
Juliana was 2+ when we moved her out and would have waited, but she climbed out and fell from the top of the rail to the floor. Thank goodness she was fine, but we got her in the bed that day. We had bout the toddler bed a year earlier and decided against moving her so early.
DD#1 11.7.07 - DD#2 11.2.10 (3rd Tri Loss)- DD#3 4.18.12
#1 we moved at 2.5 and never had an issue of him getting out of his bed. We completely redid his room into a "big boy" room and he went straight into a full sized bed.
#2 we moved at 20ish months because he seemed ready. It went well for a week or so and then he started coming out of his room for middle of the night parties. Door knob protectors didn't help because he figured out how to knock them off so back in the crib he went. We probably won't try again for a while because he is content in his crib.
I'm a big believer of if it's not broken don't fix it haha.
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She is still in there for now, but she is growing so fast that we'll probably have to turn it into the toddler bed in a few months. She's been experimenting with climbing lately. She can climb on and off the couch safely and so I figure that when she starts to try and climb out of the crib, I will have to make the transition. We have concrete floors and it would be safer!
DD is 27 months now and still in a crib and perfectly happy there. It keeps her from getting into God knows what while we sleep so why mess with a good thing?
We will probably transition her out late this fall or sometime in the winter when we start to work on night time potty training, but since she just went pee for the first time on the potty during the day this week I think we are a long way from having to worry about night time potty issues.
DD climbed out once and it scared her bc she fell. She didn't hurt herself at all, thankfully.
We are moving in a week and I wanted to transition her here, where she is comfortable. The new house will be enough of a transition. And, since she climbed out once, I was worried that she's try again a million times in the new house and hurt herself/
So far she has been AWESOME. She loves the big girl bed and on the occasion that she does get up in the middle of the night she gets out of bed and sits in the middle of her room waiting for us to come in and get her.
She will be in one as long as possible. If she isn't climbing out--then I will keep her in until 3ish. I really am not looking forward to her having free reign of her bedroom.
I'm not going to move her until it becomes a safety issue of climbing out. Pretty much anyone I've ever talked to with older ones advised me to keep her in there as long as possible.
My oldest flat out refused to go near her crib all of a sudden at 16 months. Prior to that she had loved it and slept really well in it (2-3 hour nap plus 12 hours overnight). After three days of fighting with her I gave in and converted it to a toddler bed. She went right back to her former good sleeping habits and was a much happier camper.
My younger one got a bloody nose trying to climb out at 17 months. She's completely headstrong, so we knew that if she had it in her mind to get out there was no keeping her in there and decided to convert it right away before she could get a more serious injury. Also no trouble with the transition and she still slept well for both naps and bed in it.
DS is still very happy in his crib and sleeps great. He has never tried to climb out, he just sits or stands and waits for us to come get him. We will probably move him once #2 arrives (which we are TTC right now so will be a while) unless he is ready before then. Since he has no problem with his crib we don't see a need to move him earlier.
Re: Clicky: At what age did you ditch the crib?
*Siggy Warning*
About me 2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!
DS will be 26 months tomorrow & he's still in his crib.
We attempted to transition his crib into a toddler daybed just before he turned 2. Night time was no problem. We put the crib rail back on after struggling with nap time the next afternoon. We haven't tried again since he hasn't attempted climbing out...yet.
I chose 22 months but if we're going to be super precise I'd say it was 22.5 months. We probably should have ditched it sooner because she was going nuts at bedtime from about 20 months on. She couldn't stand the crib but we just dealt with it because she couldn't climb out yet. Then she climbed out at 22.5 months.
We moved her to a crib mattress on the floor while we waited on her bed to be ready (it's a wooden twin bed that a friend refinished and painted) and her bedding to come in.
She finally moved to her bed on her second birthday.
#1 moved to a full sized bed at 20 months. However, he bedshared with us prior so he never slept in a crib (minus a month from 5 months-6 months old).
#2 is 18 months, still sleeping in a crib and we have no plans of changing that until she makes an escape attempt (or seems to be close).
I definitely won't be moving him out until he looks like he's going to escape. Right now he will barely even sit up in his crib. If he wakes up, he just lays there and calls out for us. When I come into the room he will get up and stand up in his crib with his hands up so I can pick him up.
My SIL's son was 16 months and BIL's daughter was 15 months when they got rid of their cribs, so they think I'm some kind of crazy for still having him in there. I think they are just jealous.
BFP #2 4/13/10. Bridget born 12/28/10
BFP #3 Finn born 8/11/15
#1 we moved at 2.5 and never had an issue of him getting out of his bed. We completely redid his room into a "big boy" room and he went straight into a full sized bed.
#2 we moved at 20ish months because he seemed ready. It went well for a week or so and then he started coming out of his room for middle of the night parties. Door knob protectors didn't help because he figured out how to knock them off so back in the crib he went. We probably won't try again for a while because he is content in his crib.
I'm a big believer of if it's not broken don't fix it haha.
DD is 27 months now and still in a crib and perfectly happy there. It keeps her from getting into God knows what while we sleep so why mess with a good thing?
We will probably transition her out late this fall or sometime in the winter when we start to work on night time potty training, but since she just went pee for the first time on the potty during the day this week I think we are a long way from having to worry about night time potty issues.
We just ditched it last week (23 months).
DD climbed out once and it scared her bc she fell. She didn't hurt herself at all, thankfully.
We are moving in a week and I wanted to transition her here, where she is comfortable. The new house will be enough of a transition. And, since she climbed out once, I was worried that she's try again a million times in the new house and hurt herself/
So far she has been AWESOME. She loves the big girl bed and on the occasion that she does get up in the middle of the night she gets out of bed and sits in the middle of her room waiting for us to come in and get her.
BLOG: The Quinntessential Mommy
My oldest flat out refused to go near her crib all of a sudden at 16 months. Prior to that she had loved it and slept really well in it (2-3 hour nap plus 12 hours overnight). After three days of fighting with her I gave in and converted it to a toddler bed. She went right back to her former good sleeping habits and was a much happier camper.
My younger one got a bloody nose trying to climb out at 17 months. She's completely headstrong, so we knew that if she had it in her mind to get out there was no keeping her in there and decided to convert it right away before she could get a more serious injury. Also no trouble with the transition and she still slept well for both naps and bed in it.