A poster below who said she's been having sleepovers with friends since 3 reminded me of something.
DH told me the other day we should invite my DS's BFF over for a sleepover. He'll be 5 in October. I told him that I thought that was too young. He thought I was weird. lol.
What age do you think (a ballpark, since this probably varies by kid) for sleepovers to begin? When did your kids start having sleepovers with friends if you have older kids?
Re: S/O Sleepovers with friends
BFP #2 4/13/10. Bridget born 12/28/10
BFP #3 Finn born 8/11/15
Probably around 2nd or 3rd grade.
We weren't allowed sleep overs. So I probably won't allow my kids to attend them either.
I remember having sleepovers when I was in 1st grade. My BFF was in kindergarten.
I think 6 or 7 is a good age. But it really depends on the kids, parents and the situation.
I had sleepovers at a young age but I think it was more like our parents were friends and one mom would babysit overnight for the other.
Exactly this.
Its probably not going to be an issue since I have boys and all. Maybe if they have friends that live next door or something similar.
Boys don't have sleepovers?
Is this a for-real answer?
I have a boy, and if he wants to have a sleep over, I'm all for it. I would be sad if he didn't get to make those memories. I loved sleepovers.
Boys can have sleepovers as well. It's not just a girl thing. My brother had friends spend the night far more often than my sister and myself.
LOL, I was the queen of waking up my friends' parents in the middle of the night to have my parents come pick me up. I think I stopped doing that around 7 or 8, but I think my first sleepover was in kindergarten.
I think a good time to start is when you can count on your kid listening to and being respectful of a friend's parent's rules. Whenever that is.
I don't think we're going to allow sleepovers either, unless it's with someone who we know the parents extremely well and completely trust. They can have kids over here to sleepover probably around 7, 8, or 9 years old.
Unless I know EVERYONE in that house and anyone who may stop by/visit then I'm just not comfortable. You never know if there is a creepy uncle/aunt/grandparent/neighbor/etc. I'm not comfortable with it at all.
The kids seems to start around 1st or 2nd grade.
Also, boy sleepovers are awesome. They don't seem to have as many petty fights as girls do throughout the night. lol
I had sleepovers with my best friends starting around 3. Obviously, my parents were good friends with them. And unfortunately, all of my friends wouldn't sleep away from home--and they got picked up at 2am in the morning if they slept in our house. It was easier for me to go there.
However, I wasn't allowed to stay overnight at a sleepover party--mostly because there was a higher probability of not sleeping at all--and I was a grumpass as a kid if I didn't get enough sleep. One on one we actually slept more.
This was with me having medical issues growing up.
Honestly, I wouldn't have a problem having my daughter sleep over at a good friend's house at 3 or 4. (People we hang out with all the time, know the family, rules, etc.) If she wanted to. I would never force her too obviously. However, there are some people that I would much rather have the child over here than her ever sleeping over their house. It depends
And boy sleepovers are the best.
My brother had them ALL the time growing up--not just on his birthday. Mostly because he went to a private school and most of his friends live 20-40 minutes away, so it was easier just to have a sleepover and pick them up the next day.
Of course my parents were ultraliberal. I actually had *gasp* coed sleepovers with my two best friends from the ages of the 3-18. Scott and Jonathan. I don't know if I will be THAT liberal with my daughter though--my parents were really trusting because I was a good kid and they knew my friends and their families really well
We have friends that will have children around the same age. I don't have a problem if I'm friends with the parents doing it around 6 or 7.
She will never go to anyone's home that I don't know or feel comfortable with.
I laugh at this (specifically MrsSR). So you think other parents will be OK having their kids coming to your house but you won't let it go the other way around?
Do you see that it's kind of hypocritical to think that they'd want their kids at your house but you won't let your kids stay there? Or maybe that might be a red flag to another parent? No one is going to be having any sleepovers since we're all a bunch of paranoid nutjobs.
ETA: J's already had a few "sleepovers" but we prefer to call them babysitting exchanges.
Francesca Pearl is here! Josephine Hope is almost 3!
Look, this is just the way we do things in my family. I have very personal reasons for this that I don't feel like going into on the internet.
My nieces do not go on sleepovers either (unless it's family or super close friends that are practically family), but have had plenty of kids come to their house to stay the night. It does not seem to affect them in any way.
I don't see why this matters to you anyway. If you want your kid to have sleepovers then do! Who the hell cares if someone else doesn't allow them? As a parent you do what works for you and your family.
Yeah, what was I thinking? LOL..
I don't particularly have an opinion or care about what YOU do. I'm just pointing out how other parents might perceive you only letting people come to your house as a little strange and red flag-ish. Especially as someone who has been through what I think you're alluding to it pricks my ears even more as "the other parent' in this scenario.
There was no need to get defensive. I'm just giving my thoughts as to how other parents might find your attitude about sleepovers.
Chill, seriously.
Francesca Pearl is here! Josephine Hope is almost 3!