Per our agreement we are to send update letters and pictures but I am not exactly sure what to put in the letter. Other than his one month stats what else did you put in your letter?
And to the BM's on the board...what did you like reading in your update letters?
TTC #1 since January 2008
dx: PCOS, Hyperthyroidism
January 2012 - Moving onto Domestic Newborn Adoption
May 2012 - Home study approved!!
June 21, 2012 - Our little man was born!
July 7, 2012 - We got to bring our little one home after a two week NICU visit.

Re: Update letter to BM
My Birthson's mom would tell me all the stats from the Dr. visits, tell me what size clothes he was wearing, how he was sleeping, how much he was eating, his milestones, little tid bits about what they learned he liked or disliked and then shared what they were doing as a family like vacations, holiday celebrations etc. Pretty much all that stuff you fill out in those baby 1sts albums. I printed out and kept all email updates and pictures that she sent. I combined them with the pictures I took at visits and I have a baby album for my birthson which I treasure. I have a daughter now and it has been so nice to be able to look at his album and read through the updates my bson's mom sent and see the similiarties/differences between him and my DD.
Love this!
Me too. That was an awesome response
What an awesome idea!! I have all of DD's letter's/pics/things stored in a basket in my bedroom.
The letters came in a format, most likely provided by the agency. Dr's visit update, eating/sleeping update, favorite toy/game update.. etc. They were open ended questions. Very basic. We had (and still do have) lots of visits, so the letters and photos stopped coming in the mail when our visits became frequent. We agreed to visits 2 x per year and letters/photo in the mail once a year until she's 18. We visit every 3-4 months and call and text often. AM isn't that much older then me and we've become close friends with very similar hobbies/interests. The last thing I received from them was probably when DD was 2 yeas old (except for school pictures).