Baby Names


What do you think of the sibling pairing of Henry and Madoc?

At 23 weeks in, we are still in no man?s land for a name. Today I really like Madoc, espcially because it gives me the option of two nicknames that I love, Doc and Mac.

I had at least one variation of this name on ?the list? already, but don?t think it got a super strong reaction from hubs either way. Any ideas for ways to make him love it??

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Re: Madoc

  • I dislike it. Sounds too much like 'mad dog' to me. What about Cormac?

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  • kck329kck329 member
    Eh, the nicknames are kinda cute but the name itself does nothing for me.
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  • Sound like Mad-dog or Mad-doc. Not a fan. I do like Cormac, that has the same feel.
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  • Cormac doesn't do anything for me at all unfortunately. Sad

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  • I think Madoc is interesting and an unexpected but compelling pairing with Henry.

    Unfortunately, given the trendiness of Maddox, I think that some of its "ye olde Britain" charm is lost. Many people will just read it as a variation of Maddox. Not that I think that you should dumb down your name choice, but it's just something to be aware of.

    You might also consider Lorcan, Donal, and Malcolm (w/ nn Mac). 
  • ames71ames71 member

    I'll be the dissenter. I like Madoc. I gave it a brief thought for my son, but ultimately went with the off-shoot Maddox. The nn Max was what I was after, so it obviously made the most sense for us.

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  • ZimgerZimger member
    I love Madoc. The nn are a nice plus. I don't have any ideas on how to make your DH love it though.
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  • I would suggest Maddox. I'm not a fan of Madoc at all.
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  • Not a fan
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  • I think it's ok but I do like Maddox better. Madoc kind of has a "mad scientist" feel to Mad Doc, as in crazy doctor. I wouldn't side eye the name or anything if someone used it. 

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  • I think of Maddox when I look at Madoc. I do prefer Maddox. I think it would go well with Henry. The only other thing is I believe Angelina  Jolie's oldest child is named Maddox. Although, I don't think its an overly used name.

  • imagestrawberrytree:
    I dislike it. Sounds too much like 'mad dog' to me. What about Cormac?

    It sounds made up...I like Cormac though, it's one of our boy names.

  • It's hideous 
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  • imageKateMW:

    I dislike it. Sounds too much like 'mad dog' to me. What about Cormac?

    It sounds made up...I like Cormac though, it's one of our boy names.

    See, to me Cormac is harsh and grating on the ears. All I think when I hear it too is Cormac McClelland. I think that is a made up name, but I can't think of anything else when I hear Cormac.

    Madoc is a nice traditional Welsh name, without some crazy spelling and not an offshoot made up to add a sexy X (like Maddox). However, the negative comments are inspiring me to give another shot to sticking closer to our original intent of finding a traditional English name to pair with Henry.

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