Hi all! I may be having a c section this weekend due to being so far past due, showing absolutely no signs (high & tight, yippee) and having a rather large baby. I'm reading up and getting info and have what might be an extremely stupid question, so I apologize beforehand...
It's my understanding that the abdominal wall is cut during surgery but are stitches placed in the abdominal muscles for healing or do you just get outside stitches and leave the interior healing to itself? Does this question make sense? TIA for your help!
Re: Possibly stupid question...
This. Typically these days doctors don't cut your abdominal wall. But some may still do this. But they go through a few layers to get to your uterus so they will stitch you up from the inside out.
Edited for spelling.
They cut the fascia holding your abs together, so they sew your uterus, fascia and dermis. The uterus and fascia may take more than one layer.
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
I am not 100% sure, however I remember during my C section that the nurses at one point said "Ok, only 1 more layer of stitches.." so I assume that there are internal stitches in several areas as well as the external ones. GOOD LUCK!!
TIP- The nurses told me in recovery that day 2 is the worst of them all and I agree 1000000%.. so be aware of it.. and get up and walk as MUCH as you can. The nurses were laughing at me saying I needed a pedometer.. but it really helps you to get up and move things around.. take it slow, listen to your body and you will do great! Good luck!
Totally agree! I've had two c/s. I also recommend taking your pain meds every 4 hours the first few days even if you think you don't need them.
I agree on that about the pain meds, I also recommend the walking. Both really help
Hospitalized 6/11/12 - Flynn Born 6/16/12 at 31w3ds - Me: Released on 7/2/12 - Flynn Off O2 on 7/18/12 - Started on Demand Feeding on 7/27/12 - Finally home! 7/30/12