January 2012 Moms

From bad to worse FU - "aboynamedbarry - really??? :):)"

This is just an additional post to mine from Monday. I just wanted to thank you all for your respones and advice. (I was off work yesterday due to a power outage so I couldn't reply)

To aboynamedbarry, thank you SO much for the tip and the link. We'll have to try it tonight as last night was yet another disaster. It just keeps getting worse.

I have to admit I am having a bit of a hard time believing that it will work that quickly but I'm definitely going to try it! Also, DD really doesn't use her paci during the day anymore. And last night when I, YES, rocked her to sleep I took the paci out when I put her down, but an hour later she was up and asking for it. So IT IS TIME!

thanks again everyone!

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Re: From bad to worse FU - "aboynamedbarry - really??? :):)"

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    good luck to you! you can totally do it!!! when you get to a point this low i think it's easier to just do what you have to, if you truly stick it out it will work! they HAVE to fall asleep at some point, and just think how exhausted she will be lol. she'll sleep all night if for no other reason ;) let us know how it goes!
    eliza bopple
    Eliza born 1-25-12
    Baby 2 EDD 7-18-14
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    Thanks ladies, you are awesome!!!

    My last dumb question: Embarrassed So if she looses her paci I can only put it back once for the entire night??? And when I go in I obviously don't pick her up or anything like that but do I rub her back or what do I do?

    Here is the deal, DD will sometimes lay in her bed but she has to hold on to your hand or you need to touch her face etc. So that would again be enabling the bad habits right? So do I just go in there, say "shhhh" or what? LMAO

    Sorry I'm so dumb!! HAHAHA

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    what i did with the paci is i replaced it once per soothing session. it clearly would come out after like 3.2 seconds, but i would put it in there one time. it calmed her just a tiny bit. and if she wasn't that worked up, i didn't even bother. holding her hand, touching her face whatever you do is fine, just only do it for 1-2 minutes! it's not feeding the habit, it's helping her know she's not really alone and teaching her that she can do it all by her big self :) you're not dumb!
    eliza bopple
    Eliza born 1-25-12
    Baby 2 EDD 7-18-14
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    what i did with the paci is i replaced it once per soothing session. it clearly would come out after like 3.2 seconds, but i would put it in there one time. it calmed her just a tiny bit. and if she wasn't that worked up, i didn't even bother. holding her hand, touching her face whatever you do is fine, just only do it for 1-2 minutes! it's not feeding the habit, it's helping her know she's not really alone and teaching her that she can do it all by her big self :) you're not dumb!

    OH OK, got it! And thanks for thinking I"m not dumb LMAO Stick out tongue

    Phew, tonight is going to be rough but I'm putting my big tough girl pants on, tying DH to the bed and teaching my baby girl how to sleep. Cool

    A 1,000,000,000 THANKS!

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