Is this too harsh for a little girl? Either as FN or MN. It was my grandmother's name. Is there a variation of this that would be better? Opinions, please!
I do think that Darlene sounds too harsh and I instantly think of Darlene from the show Roseanne. I'm not sure if this is a variation of Darlene, but I really like the name Daphne. HTH and GL!
Re: Darlene???
What about Darla?
The names are fine, just totally NMS.
I agree with this.
This is me too. While I think its a fine name, I would probably use it as the middle.
This is exacty what came to my mind! Personally, I would use it as a MN dice it has meaning to you.
I despise it, but I think it's mainly because my bus driver in high school was Darlene and she was horrible. I also think of Darlene from Roseanne.
I wouldn't use it as a first name....maybe middle since it is a family name.
My Ovulation Chart
Yes...all of this. However,I did really like that show
It makes me think of Roseanne.
I would prefer it in the MN spot.
I think that Darla is a great option. It still honors your grandmother, but is a cuter name.
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