I posted a couple of weeks ago asking about betas because mine was 2500 then 6131. Today, at 6w3d, we found out we are having twins ????. We are so excited! Baby A is measuring a day ahead with a hb of 114 and Baby B is measuring to the day with a hb of 115.
Re: Official intro!
Congratulations!!!! Isn't it the best to see TWO little beans on there? Although I know every woman feels special during pregnancy (and well she should!) secretly I feel a little more special and unique knowing that I'm carrying two little lives in my stomach.
Enjoy every moment! H&H 9 mos....
*Siggy Warning*
About me 2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!
July 2011: Clomid 50mg- No ovulation
Sept 2011: Clomid 100mg- No ovulation
Nov 2011: Clomid 150mg- No ovulation
Jan-Feb 2012: 150mg Clomid and 5 mg Femara w/ Orvidrel Shot- Ovulation!!
Feb 2012: IUI #1- BFP
Beta #1: 206
Beta #2: 2496
Feb 16: TWINS!!!
June 13: Found out genders... Boy/Girl (Team Green)
7/30/12 - B/G twins born at 33w4d due to PPROM
I just finished reading this section today and I have no clue how to eat all of that food! I get so full so fast the past few weeks. I am just going to try and eat something every couple of hours. Even if it is half an apple and pb.
Let me know how it goes for you!
Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11
So far so good today. I am at almost 2000 cals and it is only lunch time. I got up in the middle of night twice with hunger and had chocolate milk and a banana. I am going to supplement with a shake from gnc and add in berries and PB. GL. Let me know how you do.