
xp: paying a nanny

(Also posted on Working Mom's, but I know many of you have nannies or have had them.)

My question isn't how much, but how? Do you pay cash? If you set up your own payroll, who or what service did you use?

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Re: xp: paying a nanny

  • I write a check every week and I prepare my own weekly payroll statements. I recreated my pay stub in excel with her information and I email it to her weekly. I also pay quarterly state taxes and yearly federal taxes, it is pretty complicated but I am anal and didn't want to pay for a service. I think I used a free trial at Inuit or to make sure that I had calculated the withholding amounts correctly then I canceled the service. I think both of those are good and were pretty easy to use.
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  • imageHopeful1!:
    I write a check every week and I prepare my own weekly payroll statements. I recreated my pay stub in excel with her information and I email it to her weekly. I also pay quarterly state taxes and yearly federal taxes, it is pretty complicated but I am anal and didn't want to pay for a service. I think I used a free trial at Inuit or to make sure that I had calculated the withholding amounts correctly then I canceled the service. I think both of those are good and were pretty easy to use.

    Great idea. 


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  • I did the same-check and used Intuit payroll
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  • We use a payroll service called GTM. They were recommended by a nanny agency we used. They deduct all of the taxes etc from our bank account and I write he nanny a check for the balance.
  • We use a service - Breedlove & Associates.  We pay her by direct deposit from our checking account to hers, with appropriate witholdings for state and federal taxes.  The service prepares our quarterly and annual tax paperwork, as well as our nanny's weekly paystubs and her annual W-2.  There's a fee, of course, but we feel it's worth it given how much time it saves us.  We've been very happy with them.
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  • I own my own company, so I'm going to run her through my business as an employee. My accountant runs a payroll service and will do direct deposit biweekly.

    I know paychecks offers a service as well.

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