
Maya Wrap

I have been researching different ways to wear the baby, as I know I will need to since I will be chasing my 2 year old around so much. I have heard great things about the maya wrap. Does anyone have any experience with this one? Good/bad reviews?? Also, where is the best place to order them from online? The closest store that sells them is about two hours away from me.
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Re: Maya Wrap

  • Aloe0lAloe0l member

    I don't have a Maya Wrap specifically, but I do have a ring sling from sleeping baby productions (  It was really helpful as a "quick" in & out wrap when we'd go to the store and such (vs. say, a Moby).  When DD got bigger, I preferred the Ergo for her, but now that I have a baby bump, the Ergo is hard for me to wear, even on my back, so I'm finding the RS to be useful again, mostly for hip carries.  But I wouldn't say it's a good wrap for older kids for long periods of time (for me anyway), but it's good to help give you extra support & hands when you'd typically be carrying a kiddo on your hip. 

    As far as ordering online, you can get them just about anywhere, including Amazon.  I think the ones with the padded shoulder are a little more expensive.

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  • If you are thinking about a Maya I would honestly get a Sleep Baby Productions ring sling instead.  Maya's are ok there's nothing wrong with them but I honestly love my SBP sling.  I have a linen RS that I have used since DD was about 5 months and still use occasionally (used it a lot until about 3 months ago when I loaned it out to a friend).  I started late but many people use them from day one with a newborn. 

    The nice thing with SBP slings is you can choose the fabric type, size that will fit you best, color, ring color, you can add a decorative panel if you want or a pocket since it's custom made for you. I have a decorative panel sewn on mine with an open topped pocket that was awesome when DD was little for binkies or for a short walk where we might need a diaper and a couple wipes but not the whole darned diaper bag.  

    You can do a normal cotton sling and they are great, tend to be soft from the get go and fairly supportive til about 15-20lbs.  Linen takes a little bit of breaking in to soften up but it's nice because it's really supportive of older babies (DD was 30 lbs when I was still wearing her in it fairly often).  Would I wear a 20lber for hours in it?  No but honestly at 20 lbs they just want some snuggle time or to see what you're doing and it's great for that stage where they constantly want to be picked up when they are first walking/crawling.  A 10 lb-15lber you can wear for quite a while even if it is only on one shoulder before you start to feel it.  Ergo's are great and I have one as well but they are more for longer carries and generally unless you use an infant insert aren't great until about 4 months.

    The big thing to know with Ring Slings, either Mayas or SBPs or whatever is they take some practice to get the shoulder right and the rings in the right place. has some great forums for folks learning to use one so if you have trouble go on there and they can give you pointers.  GL!  Sorry this is long but if you have any questions feel free to PM me.

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