January 2012 Moms

What the heck is going on?

For the last two nights and so far tonight, DS's sleep at night has been insane. He has been acting really restless, crying/whimpering, and tonight so far he is literally just rolling around in his crib non-stop. He will also scrunch up like he's trying to get on his hands and knees, then go back to laying down or rolling over, on and on and on. We're back to getting very little sleep. He has a lot of teething symptoms but I din't know if this is related or not. Has anyone else's LO done anything like this? I don't know what to think or do!


Re: What the heck is going on?

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    Yes!  I would guess teething, my little guy does the same thing.  He gets fussier than normal for a few days leading up to it, then the night before he pops a tooth out he is completely restless.  I checked the next morning and nothing, but by the afternoon it was through.  I couldn't believe it could happen that fast.

    Also, they tend to be restless when they are working on mastering a new skill like sitting up, crawling, rolling over, etc.  Maybe he's trying to crawl already? 

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    yes!! DD has been doing this also for the past week. She usually STTN without any problem. But lately she is rolling all over her bed, a mixture of whining/ burst of crying. I think she is also teething.

    @KitKat83..Really I have never heard of that before lol. Very interesting she has been army crawling all week, maybe she is ready to start crawling?

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    Add me to the club. :( Every morning I check for teeth thinking there has to be an explanation for this! :) But none yet. He's a good scooter/roller but hasn't done any crawling yet.
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    I've definitely heard about babies losing sleep when they're about to master some new skill, so it sounds like you might have a crawler on your hands very soon!
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    One of my girls has been doing this. We've been traveling for the last month so they've been in pack n' plays so the other night I put a king size pillow in there. That gave her just enough room to lay flat or roll on her side, but not roll over all the way. Now she hugs the pillow to sleep (she sleeps on her side)- so cute! I'm gonna have to figure out what kind of pillow I can put in her crib to create the same effect... Anyway you might try something like that if it continues :)
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