
Keeping the streak alive!

DrRxDrRx member
Last night was the first night that we didn't have to put the oxygen on Adalyn! So far she has been going 40 hours without needing oxygen!!! YAY!!!

For the last several weeks she has only been needing the oxygen when she is sleeping overnight and is in her deep sleep. However, last night while sleeping she kept her sats above 92 and I hope that she's able to do that again tonight!

She also has become a lean, mean, eating machine! She has been eating non-stop all day long. I feed her 4 ounces and 30 minutes later wants another 4 ounces! We like to say that she kicks it in high gear in the evening, but she's been in high gear since 1pm! She did take a nice nap today from about 2 until 4:30, but other than that it's been eat, change diaper, catnap, and wake up screaming for more!

Tomorrow she has her (hopefully) last or 2nd to last appointment with the pediatric opthamologist for her ROP and next Tuesday is the pulmonologist.  Fingers crossed that the pulmonologist next week says that we can get rid of the pulse ox and oxygen! I'm totally ok if she needs the apnea monitor for a few more months, since it's not really that bothersome since she only needs it when she sleeps at night.
TTC Since July 2008.
Me: PCOS DH: Low everything (MFI)
Clomid with TI x 3 2010 BFN
Clomid+IUI+Ovidrel 2010 BFN
IVF w/ICSI #1 2011
9/8/11 Beta #1: 2082!! 9/19/11 Beta#2 34,689!! U/S 9/22/11 HR 127! 11/8/11 HR 150! 12/6/11 HR 136! 12/14/11 HR 139! Born at 26w2d on 2/4/2012! After 83 days in the NICU, Adalyn came home on 4/26/12!
FET 1 3/2013 BFN
FET 2 5/2013 BFN
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

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