Cloth Diapering

Redness on bottom

We started using our CD's full time on Friday afternoon and today I'm noticing that DD's bum and lady part are seriously red.  We didn't have a single diaper rash or redness while using disposables so I'm worried... 

I washed/ prepped everything with Charlie's Soap.  We use CJ's BUTTer.  We use a cloth wipe solution of Baby Bits Wipes Solution. I change her at least every 2 hours (except for overnight - she sleeps 11-12 hours straight). Diaper stash is a mix of pockets and AIO's from different manufacturer's so I don't know if I'd be able to pinpoint a specific brand causing problems.

I have a HE front loader and my wash routine is presoak, hot wash, cold rinse, extra rinse.

I read something about "new to cloth redness" but I'm not sure if that's a legitimate thing?  

Advice please.

T & J 5.9.09
MMC 2.12.11 @ 8w
PVM 5.8.12
GWM 3.17.15
RPM 2.21.19

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Re: Redness on bottom

  • We got red bum from detergent build up, changed from Tide to Ruby Moon. I
     would strip down everything change detergents and if you still get the red bum Id remove everything no rash cream, no pockets and slowly add in each one to see whats causing the reaction. Or go the exact opposite and take out one thing at a time and see if it helps whichever way works for you. Also I also was doing a pre soak, hot wash, cold rinse and changed my pre soak to a quick cold rinse and it helped with the time it took to wash the diapers and they have come out a lot cleaner looking (no staining unless my older one has blueberries) and use coconut oil for before the overnight diapers or in the bath to help with a red bum.
  • DS was sensitive to Charlie's Soap. I was convinced it couldn't be the Charlie's because it's supposed to be so "green," but it definitely gave him a rash. Once we switched (we use Baby Dropps and sometimes Tide...which he is fine with, go figure), the rash cleared up. 

    Also, what kind of diaper are you using for ON? I would consider looking into fitteds and wool covers. Not only have we never had a leak with that combo after 12+ hours at night, he's never woken up red. The wool is much more breathable than PUL, so for such a long stretch I think wool is the way to go. 

    I would also nix the wipes solution and just use plain water. Some of the wipes solutions I've tried have irritated DS's bum, so I've stopped using them all. Water works just fine on it's own.

    One other thought- If you have BG 4.0s with suede cloth, it's possible your DD is sensitive to suede cloth. Some babies need natural fiber pocket diapers or fleece.

    I hope you can pinpoint the issue and clear up the redness! GL! 

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  • I apperciate the help, ladies! 


    I'm going to start by switching detergents and nixing the wipes solution.  Let's see what that does. 


    With switching detergents... do i need to strip my diapers and wipes OR can I just do my regular wash w/ new detergent?? 

    T & J 5.9.09
    MMC 2.12.11 @ 8w
    PVM 5.8.12
    GWM 3.17.15
    RPM 2.21.19

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • This happened to me too when I started. A friend suggested that my baby might be extra sensitive to moisture, and to start with just stay-dry diapers. I am also using pockets and AIOs. With the stay-drys the problem has not come back, so I may rotate in some cotton/bamboo inners and see what happens. Sorry to not have more advice, I'm new to this too! Good luck!
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  • imageDana&Pete:
    This happened to me too when I started. A friend suggested that my baby might be extra sensitive to moisture, and to start with just stay-dry diapers. I am also using pockets and AIOs. With the stay-drys the problem has not come back, so I may rotate in some cotton/bamboo inners and see what happens. Sorry to not have more advice, I'm new to this too! Good luck!


    What type are "stay dry"?? 

    T & J 5.9.09
    MMC 2.12.11 @ 8w
    PVM 5.8.12
    GWM 3.17.15
    RPM 2.21.19

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • imagetm599:

    This happened to me too when I started. A friend suggested that my baby might be extra sensitive to moisture, and to start with just stay-dry diapers. I am also using pockets and AIOs. With the stay-drys the problem has not come back, so I may rotate in some cotton/bamboo inners and see what happens. Sorry to not have more advice, I'm new to this too! Good luck!


    What type are "stay dry"?? 

    The suede cloth makes babies feel dry. With prefolds/covers and natural fibers the baby feels wet as soon as they pee.

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  • Thank you - we have mostly suede cloth.  

    T & J 5.9.09
    MMC 2.12.11 @ 8w
    PVM 5.8.12
    GWM 3.17.15
    RPM 2.21.19

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • I just went through this whole process.  I used Charlie's Soap too.  Then I stripped, switched detergent to BG, and then still had the all over rash.  I had 20 suede cloth and only 4 that weren't suede.  I used the 4 dipes each day and washed each day.  The rash went away.

    Something to think about - when I used disposable liners in my BGs which have suede, my DD did not have a rash.  If it is suede cloth sensitivity you could use some kind of liner.  Something that I have read is that some babies grow out of their sensitivity.  I hope mine does, but won't be testing this out for awhile.  

     GOOD LUCK! 

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  • We had the same issue. I got many different diaper creams but found the groves magic stick eliminated the rash. Gl!


  • I mean grovia magic stick
  • also, with an HE front load washer, you may need to add extra water to the wash and rinse cycle so that the soap actually rinses out, or try using less soap. 
  • Get oxygen bleach from Pacific Sands ( to strip and keep diapers super clean in the future. Consider using Soap Nuts as your detergent, it is very hypo-allergenic. Some people aren't terribly fond of these due to the smell (a bit like apple cider vinegar), but they are super affordable and I have found they work really well on my CDs (although I pretty much only use cotton... it's easier to keep clean). I order mine from Green Virgin Products out of FL and have been super pleased with their service!

    Hope you can get your rash under control! Also, coconut oil is really good for rashes and it is very rare to be allergic to it. 

    And this is super duper rare, but some babies are allergic to polyester. Although you would probably be noticing much more serious issues if that were the case. Just an interesting thing to know.

  • imagetm599:

    I apperciate the help, ladies! 


    I'm going to start by switching detergents and nixing the wipes solution.  Let's see what that does. 


    With switching detergents... do i need to strip my diapers and wipes OR can I just do my regular wash w/ new detergent?? 

    We had to switch from Tide bc we had the exact same issue that you are describing. I just did a hot water strip with mine since I had just stripped with RLR before switching to Tide. To do a hot water strip just wash your clean diapers once or twice in hot water with no detergent to wash out all the residual bad detergent.

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