I'd just like to get your POV. My 14 year old niece has recently become very self absorbed and preoccupied with her appearance. Totally normal at that age, I know. But, I'm wondering, do you try to curb it in anyway? And what would you consider excessive? My niece spends an excessive (about an hour) amount of time primping, styling her hair, putting on makeup... And this is just to go to the beach. She'll bring a large bottle of perfume with her to beach to apply regularly. She returns to the house (within walking distance) several times during the day to primp and reapply makeup. At the end of the day, and she does not go in the ocean, she'll take a very long shower (she only lives about 30 min away), wash her hair and reapply makeup/ restyle hair. (we've run out of hot water several times when this niece visits).
I love my sister dearly. She oftentimes will come to the beach house with us to help out, presumably, with my kids (5yo, 3.5yo and a 3 month old). But I have to admit, my nieces behavior is making me nuts. My sister writes it off to normal adolescent insecurity. She has never been one to correct her kids, though. So I'm wondering if any of you moms of teenagers would say anything if your daughter was acting like this? Is this typical teenage stuff?
Re: Any moms of teenage (14) girls?
I do not have a teenager. However, I was one not that long ago (I graduated HS in 2008). I remember doing the same type of things. It is fairly normal these days. I remember getting up an hour or so before going to the bus to shower, do my hair, ect. I couldn't go to school without makeup on. It was pretty mad.
It is just an insecurity problem. For me it was me learning how to deal with my new slimmer, sexier body (I was a fat girl). Then learning how to deal with male attention. Eventually is does calm down. I remember being mortified going anywhere without makeup on. Now I barely put it on. Things change.