So this past week DH has grown himself a fine beard. He doesn't usually have facial hair (except for that time they had a mustache contest at work....). Since we were at the beach house and DS was in our room, we didn't have much 'alone' time but now that we are at home, I'm not sure how I feel about the beard. I don't think I'm going to ask him to shave yet (he told me he will when I want him to).
Do any of you have Hs with beards? Do you like it? Did you get used to the scruff, how long did it take?
Re: DHs with beards
I hated it at first, but now after almost 3 years of H with a beard, I can't imagine him without it. I think he looks soo sexy! I like it when he keeps it trimmed really short, it looks really good.
It probably took me a few weeks to get used to it. He started growing it during a boys trip to Colorado, and he came back and it was in the really painful, scruffy phase and I hated it. After a few weeks it came in nicely and no longer hurt to kiss him. When he lets it go it doesn't look as nice, but as soon as he trims it up he looks really good. Umm, I almost want to post a before/after pic of him, but I don't think he'd like that. I think he'd look like a baby if he shaved now!
Nope, DH doesn't have facial hair. I like it that way.
Just out of curiosity, how did your LO react to the change? My brother has a goatee and every time we see him A just stares at it and rubs it.
my hubby has a beard and my god its sexy, especially when he trims it down. he never lets it get to bushy though cause he can't stand it then, i saw a pic of him without facial hair and i didn't really like the way he looked without it.
it turns me on though for serious.
IVF #1: 4-11-11= Transferred 1 beautiful blastocyst I named "Nugget"
5 Snowbabies! Beta#1 4/21= BFP! 226; Beta#2 4/25= 944
DS born 12/14/11
Baby #2 FET Nov/Dec 2013
12/13 Beta#1=BFP 349; 12/16 Beta#2=1,089. First ultrasound 12/26. DS#2 born 8/8/14

~~PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome~~
I've been with my husband since we were 16 and I've never known him without facial hair. He never has a full beard but more of a chin strap. I actually really like it and prefer men to have some sort of facial hair. It grosses me out when he lets it go and it gets really long and scruffy though.
I probably wouldn't even recognize my husband if he were to completely shave it off.
Fastest year of my life.
DH rocks a beard all the time. I've only seen him without it once and he looked 15! He always keeps it nice and trim except lately he's been letting the mustache portion be longer...looks like a weird hipster look.
Under all that hair I think he has a George Clooney chin but I don't remember anymore!
Great question! I have enjoyed reading everyone's answers.
I am not a fan of the way facial hair feels, but I like the way it looks (sometimes). DH looks best without it. He has long hair so when he has facial hair in conjunction with his long hair, it can be a bit much. Right now he is growing out his facial hair but he did shave the mustache area so that it didn't bother me to kiss him.
About the long hair, DH is growing out his hair to donate to locks of love. His mom lost all her hair during her chemo last year and he's doing it to honor her. I LOVE his long hair! I'm going to be sad to see it go.