January 2012 Moms

Where is the best place to raise a kid?

If you could pick any environment in which to raise your child/children, what would it be? 

  • Rural, on a farm, or just way out in the country?
  • Small town (population under 10,000, not part of a metropolitan region)?
  • Suburbs (pop 10-30K, part of a metro region)? 
  • City?

If I knew how to make this a poll, I would. 

And why?

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Re: Where is the best place to raise a kid?

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    Last week we put an offer on a house in what should be the ideal place for us to live.  A great mid-sized town with a terrific school system, close to my husband's office (I work from home, so my commute isn't a factor).   And for the third time in as many months, when it came down to the haggling we balked at raising our offer price enough to get the house. 

    I think what it comes down to is that we just don't want to live in the burbs.  We are city folks.

    We are tempted to move to a leafy, tree-filled neighborhood in a small city near us, rather than buy a home in the burbs.  But are we being selfish?  Would the clean air and grassy environs of the burbs be a better place to raise our little one?


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    1. City - I live in a big city in a family friendly, tree-lined street. Walking distance to shops and restaurants, a beautiful big park across the street, and great resources throughout the city.

    2. Rural -  If I didn't live in a city, I would love to raise some animals and have a big garden on a farm.


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    Suburbs for me- you get the best of both worlds!  

    We live in a small town, though.  And probably will stay here.  It's second best IMO.  Still best of both worlds, but less choices in shopping :) 


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    I was raised in a small town (2200) and LOVED it.  My graduating class had 26 people, most of whom I grew up with for 13 years.  My three bridesmaids were my best friends since Kindergarten.  I love how everyone knows each other and will look out for one another's children.   After highschool I moved to several cities and hated them, they are just not my thing, I felt like just another rat in a cage. I am very happy to be back in the small town I grew up in, it just seems like everyone "matters" to everyone more.  

    We are working on building a house on my parents land because we also LOVE farm life.  I especially miss it in the spring with all the new baby calves, kittens, and foals to play around with.  It is a great way for children to learn the circle of life, responsibility, etc.  I love fall round ups, brandings, family barbecues, barn dances, tobogganing, quadding, looking for new batches of kittens, gathering eggs, riding horses, and so much more.  There was never a dull moment and we were never bored.  Living right in town can be kind of boring, but it has its advantages too.  

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    I was raised in the 'burbs of NYC, and at the moment DH, DS and I are enjoying city life (you cant really get more urban than NYC!).

    Right now, the city life is great for us. Quick commutes for both me and DH, and while I was on maternity leave getting to walk everywhere helped me to not get cabin fever.

    We will eventually move to the 'burbs once we grow out of our condo/DS starts school, but for now we are definitely enjoying being city mice!

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    I grew up in the suburbs of a smallish city in Canada. It was ok back then, but now when I think about it, it's the perfect place to raise kids! It's close to the city but far enough away that the water and air quality are better. Plus the school systems are better. 

    Right now, I am living in a new subdivision on the edge of the same city I grew up near. I like it because it is close to my family and friends, close to shopping and restaurants and a 10 minute bus ride to my work, but it's noisy and near an oil refinery and the weather sucks because we are on the Atlantic Ocean (foggy and cold all the time). 

    I want to move back to the suburbs...and someday, I will! 

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