August 2011 Moms

Long time no see and a ?

Hey ladies, I can't believe how big and cute the not so little ones are!!!


So here's my question: my period started two months ago spotty and last month normal and this month nothing. How regular should I expect it to be? I'm still breast feeding and had a regular period before baby bug. Any advice? 

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Re: Long time no see and a ?

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    I wouldn't worry too much about your cycle at this point. It is totally normal for it to wacky, especially when you are breastfeeding. But, when in doubt POAS. 
    Ella 8.6.11
    Carson 3.28.13
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    thanks, that's kinda what i thought. we live 20 min. from anywhere with anything, and i didn't think about getting any when i was there a couple days ago. now it's just a waiting game, or sending my hubby to the store. :)
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    Unfortunately, I don't think you can have any expectations for regularity while you are still breastfeeding.  I'm in the same boat, and mine will sometimes come twice a month, and then skip a month entirely.  There's no rhyme or reason!
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    Yup, don't expect any regularity.

    I was in doubt and POA several times.... see the outcome below in my ticker. ;)

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