August 2011 Moms

From now on..

When I go to kids birthday parties I'm going to find the loudest and most obnoxious toys to buy! Pay back's a B!

At least he's having fun with his new toys! 

CafeMom Tickers

Re: From now on..

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    This is what we do. We know what's coming to us.
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    We used to, until we had kids. Now, I buy art stuff or books, haha.
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    LOL! DH thought for all the prizes for the birthday party would be neat to get loud noise makers for the kids. So we have a harmonica and some other loud toys :-)
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    Include Play Doh on that list. Kids love it and it's such a PITA!
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    Include Play Doh on that list. Kids love it and it's such a PITA!

    That's so funny!!  DH and I were just talking about Play Doh last night.  I love Play Doh; it's such a simple thing, and it can occupy the boys for at least 35 minutes.  DH HATES it because he says it gets everywhere.  I say nothing a simple sweep won't fix.  He still hates it...   

    And, it's one of those things that my parents NEVER bought us when we were kids, so I feel compelled to get it for the kids. 

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