
Where can I get a cheap lead test?

I just bought Melissa and Doug magnetic wooden letters and saw that one of the reviews says they contain lead. I'm not one to believe everything, but I'm concerned since DD has been chewing on the M&D puzzle pieces. The more I researched the worse things I found. I really want this to be untrue or resolved by now:

Where can I get a lead test?  

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                           photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)

Re: Where can I get a cheap lead test?

  • Home Depot or Lowes- about $25
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  • I found this test for $10 on Amazon but the reviews are mixed. I have a science background, but I never had a reason to do lead testing. I'm skeptical especially since there are only 4 tests, so it would be expensive to run a controlled experiment and check.

     I don't want to spend too much more since the puzzles were only $10 or so each. I'd rather not trash them if they're okay. Someone tell me I'm overthinking this. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
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  • Why don't you try calling the CDC or CPSC and asking if the toys have been checked for lead and if it has been recalled? If someone else has already done this, you might not have to.
  • We bought one of those kits at Lowes to check the house for it. I think we just mailed it back and you call in for the results. Pretty easy. I would follow up on that particular toy by doing what pp said, and it couldnt hurt to check your house too.

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  • Walmart has swab type ones back by the paint. They are about 10 dollars forn2


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