Two Under 2

If you breast fed your babies

How long did you ebf your first lo vs your second lo?  I ebf ds for 8 months.  As soon as I switched to formula he slept through the night.  I ave a feeling ebf w the new baby is going to be shorter for the simple reason im going to need sleep to keep us w ds!  
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Re: If you breast fed your babies

  • This is probably not the answer you're expecting/wanting, but I'm still nursing #1 (he's 2.5) and #2. I'm not sure when #1 will be done, but I'm fine with letting him decide. Same thing for #2, though she's much less into it (she feeds at the breast well but doesn't comfort nurse) so I think she'll be over it at a younger age than her brother, but I'm not planning to give formula so it'll be at least a year.
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  • DS1- 10 months, DS2- 9 months, DD1- 8 months, DD2- 7 months, and DS3- 11 1/2 months.  I didn't stop nursing due to lack of sleep though, my supply dropped (I work and have to pump during the day).  All of my kids started to SSTN between 4-6 months, and I was able to keep up with work and the kids.
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  • imageMammaBear81:
    DS1- 10 months, DS2- 9 months, DD1- 8 months, DD2- 7 months, and DS3- 11 1/2 months.  I didn't stop nursing due to lack of sleep though, my supply dropped (I work and have to pump during the day).  All of my kids started to SSTN between 4-6 months, and I was able to keep up with work and the kids.

    Super mom!  ;)

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    BFP #1:10/31/10 DS born 6/22/11BFP #3:4/24/12 DD born 12/31/12
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  • sosophsosoph member
    #1 to a year. We're due with #2 in about a month, and my goal this time is 9mos full time, and supplement to a year. It was really stressful for me and, to be honest, I just don't think there's anything magical about 1 yr.
  • laura1laura1 member

    #1 - 6.5 months, and #2 - 7.5 months.

    DD was actually a better eater and sleeper than DS - she was STTN (9pm - 5/6am) at 9 weeks old.  (DS was like yours - we ferbered and weaned at the same time, so he started STTN about 7.5 months).  And she liked BFing (DS was not so much of a fan - I weaned at 6 months because it was a struggle getting him to eat.  He would rather have a bottle so he could look around.)  

    I did start supplementing with formula with DD earlier - I work part time and it was so busy at work that I often didn't have time to pump as often as I needed to.  So while I was working starting about 4 months, DH would give her 1/2 formula 1/2 breast milk bottles.   

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  • Ebfing vs ff has little to do with how soon a child sttn.  If you feel it does why not just give a formula bottle before bed and not give up bfing? To answer you question my first was ff because I was young and dumb, my middle was bf until 12 months (I was three months pregnant at the time) and I'm hoping to let my youngest self wean.
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  • imageJLB24:
    How long did you ebf your first lo vs your second lo?  I ebf ds for 8 months.  As soon as I switched to formula he slept through the night.  I ave a feeling ebf w the new baby is going to be shorter for the simple reason im going to need sleep to keep us w ds!  

    12 months for DS

    15 months for DD

    Neither slept all night until a year. DS was up every 1.5 hours and DD got up every 3 hours. Neither ever had formula, but I stressed about my supply for my first-DS, I was able to keep up with both and work full time.

    I would think if you think formula gets them to sleep all night, why wouldn't you give it to them right away? Obviously, I don't have any experience with that-  


  • I don't think bf vs ff babies sleep any differently at night. I think it depends on the baby. They are either a good sleeper or not. I ff my first two. My first because I didn't know any better and my second because I was stressed out enough with a 19 month old running around I didn't want to add something new to the mix. My 3rd is bf and I hope to do it a year. Ds#1 sttn at 8 weeks. Ds#2 at 4 weeks! And dd sttn at 6 weeks. I am lucky in the sleep department.
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  • 6 months for both ds1 and ds2. Will be doign the same this time. I do switch to pumping and giving ds2 bottles at 12wks. It was just easier. I'm doing both pumped breastmilk bottles and nursing ds3 right now. He's having a tough time with my fast letdown and oversupply though.
    BFP 12/23/07, M/C 1/25/08 Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • im still BFing my 18 month old. However, he has weaned himself down to only 1 feeding a day (usually around 3 am). I am def going to bf this next baby, but i will admit that i hope ds1 has fully weaned himself by then. Just because I really dont wanna be getting up with 2 different kiddos in the night! :p
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  • Lurker here (since I'm not sure I actually count as 2u2)...

    I'm still nursing my almost 21mos old at nearly 29wks pregnant.  We only nurse 2-3 times a day.  STTN has come in phases and I don't think it had anything to do with us BFing.  I think child temperament, milestones, and teething have more impact on sleep.

    I expect to nurse this second LO past a year as well.  I don't know how long really as I haven't reached a stopping point with my first.

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    Currently going through our second deployment. Can't wait for Zoe to meet her daddy!

  • JLB24JLB24 member
    Thanks everyone!  We will see how it goes...this ds could be totally different than ds1.  In our case though, the week we were totally done ebf is the same week he slept through the night.  Coincidence?  Maybe.  But I doubt it. 
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  • klp28klp28 member
    I BFed my DD for 13 months. She started STTN at 8 weeks and randomly stopped at 14 weeks. She didn't start sleeping through again until 11.5 months. It was unpleasant to say the least, but I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with BFing. I plan to BF this baby for at least 1 year also.
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  • I BF #1 until 7 months and #2 until 9 months ... I learned a lot of lessons with #1 that made it easier with #2 and #2 just nursed better. I agree that I think formula helps with night sleep and I was a bit more lax about mixing breastmilk and formula with #2. I had numerous dr's tell me that babies don't need a lot of breastmilk to get the benefits so a night bottle of formula (and a chance to stockpile some breastmilk) might be a great compromise. As I prepare for #3, I'm hoping to last as long or longer than #2 by mixing the two as needed and not feeling like breastfeeding is "all or nothing". Even so, I hope I can do what I need to for my sanity and my body to take care of all members of our family even if that (sadly) means weaning #3 sooner than I'd like. Good luck to you!!
  • I nursed my first for 8.5 mos. My goal was a year but it was a very difficult experience for me & when he started biting me at 8 mos I just couldn't take it anymore. I really hope it goes better this time b/c I don't know if I can go thru all that I went thru with him and keep at it as long when I have a baby AND a toddler.
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  • With DD - 6 months

    With DS - 4 months


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  • DD1- 26 months

    DD2- 16 months. I wanted to nurse her at least 2 years, but she self-weaned. :(

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  • DD - 10 months. She self-weaned and I kept pumping and mixing with WCM.

    DS LOVES the boob, so I expect he'll nurse longer.

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  • imagemummyofsix:
    I wouldn't ever stop BFing to get more sleep though, so that might affect my answer. 

    same here. ds was 13 months, dd 14 months. DS slept 12 hrs by 10 months, dd by 2 months....i think sttn is developmental. 

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