How long did you ebf your first lo vs your second lo? I ebf ds for 8 months. As soon as I switched to formula he slept through the night. I ave a feeling ebf w the new baby is going to be shorter for the simple reason im going to need sleep to keep us w ds!
Re: If you breast fed your babies
Super mom!
BFP #1:10/31/10 DS born 6/22/11BFP #3:4/24/12 DD born 12/31/12
#1 - 6.5 months, and #2 - 7.5 months.
DD was actually a better eater and sleeper than DS - she was STTN (9pm - 5/6am) at 9 weeks old. (DS was like yours - we ferbered and weaned at the same time, so he started STTN about 7.5 months). And she liked BFing (DS was not so much of a fan - I weaned at 6 months because it was a struggle getting him to eat. He would rather have a bottle so he could look around.)
I did start supplementing with formula with DD earlier - I work part time and it was so busy at work that I often didn't have time to pump as often as I needed to. So while I was working starting about 4 months, DH would give her 1/2 formula 1/2 breast milk bottles.
12 months for DS
15 months for DD
Neither slept all night until a year. DS was up every 1.5 hours and DD got up every 3 hours. Neither ever had formula, but I stressed about my supply for my first-DS, I was able to keep up with both and work full time.
I would think if you think formula gets them to sleep all night, why wouldn't you give it to them right away? Obviously, I don't have any experience with that-
Lurker here (since I'm not sure I actually count as 2u2)...
I'm still nursing my almost 21mos old at nearly 29wks pregnant. We only nurse 2-3 times a day. STTN has come in phases and I don't think it had anything to do with us BFing. I think child temperament, milestones, and teething have more impact on sleep.
I expect to nurse this second LO past a year as well. I don't know how long really as I haven't reached a stopping point with my first.
Currently going through our second deployment. Can't wait for Zoe to meet her daddy!
With DD - 6 months
With DS - 4 months
DD1- 26 months
DD2- 16 months. I wanted to nurse her at least 2 years, but she self-weaned.
DD - 10 months. She self-weaned and I kept pumping and mixing with WCM.
DS LOVES the boob, so I expect he'll nurse longer.
same here. ds was 13 months, dd 14 months. DS slept 12 hrs by 10 months, dd by 2 months....i think sttn is developmental.